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Table of Content - Volume 10 Issue 2 - May 2018


Metabolic syndrome in HIV/AIDS in Manipur


Hidangmayum Dwijaraj Singh1, Thiyam Brojendro Singh2*, Rothangpui3, Konsam Biona Devi4, Abhik Dev5, Banteilang Challam6


1Assistant Professor, 2Associate Professor, 4Senior Resident, 5,6Post Graduate, Department of Medicine, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal.

3Associate Professor of Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of medical sciences(JNIMS), Imphal.

Email: bionanew@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: Metabolic syndrome is a complex disorder considered as a worldwide epidemic. A variety of endocrine and metabolic disorders are seen in the context of HIV infection which may be direct consequence of HIV infection, secondary to opportunistic infections or neoplasm, or related to medication side effects. Aims and Objective: To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among HIV infected and the risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease and other associated risk in patients on HAART. Material and methods: This is a cross sectional carried out in the Department of Medicine, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among HIV infected population and the risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease and other associated risk in patients of HAART. Results and conclusions: Metabolic syndrome was present in 8 cases (5.4%) of which 2nd line HAART had 7 cases, 1case in alternative 1st line HAART and no case in 1st line HAART group. These difference is statistically significant (p<0.05). Hypertension was present in 6% of patients with ART. Males had more abnormal waist circumference than females and those on 2nd line HAART treatment group had more abnormal waist circumference. Fasting blood sugar was present in 10% cases. Increased triglyceride level was more among the 2nd line HAART group. Serum HDL level was low in 18 % of cases. Patients on HAART had mean risk of 2.2% with a standard deviation of 3.9 % and on comparing among HAART groups mean risk score was 3.0% among 2nd line, 2.9% among alternative and 1.2% among 1st line. This finding was statistically significant (p<0.05).

Key Word: Metabolic syndrome, Manipur.