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Table of Content - Volume 10 Issue 2 - May 2018


Clinical profile of acute kidney injury in a tertiary hospital


M Rama Subba Reddy, S Senthil Kumar@, A Nasreen Begum$, A Shanmuga Priya*, Dhara Kumar Mythra Varun*, Dhruv Patel*, Yogesh Kaushik*


*Post Graduate Students, @Assistant Professor, $Professor, Department of General Medicine, Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research InstituteShri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Thiruporur, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu 603108, INDIA.

Email: drmuddaramsubbareddy@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: Acute Kidney Injury is becoming the leading cause of mortality in hospital settings globally. AKI should be given consideration as prompt diagnosis and management can make it reversible Materials and Methods:50 patients who were diagnosed to have AKI based on Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative criteria were selected from medical wards of tertiary care hospital. The study was done for a period of 1year and data of presenting symptoms, leading cause and complications noted where assessed for each subjects. Results: Out of the 50 subjects, majority 28(56%) were males and maximum number 16(32%) of subjects belonged to more than 60 years. In our study most common presentation was fatigue 30(60%), next was fever 27(54%) and oliguria 24(48%). In the study 10(20%) had metabolic acidosis and pulmonary oedema. Also 4(8%) had hyperkalemia as complication. Conclusion: The study identified many factors like presenting symptoms and causes of AKI which can be used as useful predictor and can prevent further delay and complications.

Key Word: Acute Kidney Injury, Clinical profile, Kidney,