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Table of Content - Volume 11 Issue 2 - August 2018


Study of epidemiology, clinical features and co-morbidities in psoriasis


D Hema


Assistant Professor, RVM Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Laxmakkapally(V), Mulugu(M), Siddipet(D), Telangana.

Email: rvmims@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: Psoriasis is a chronic, immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease that that predominantly involves the skin, nails, and joints, often associated with systemic manifestations, marked by periods of remissions and exacerbations. Psoriasis has unknown etiology and characterized by well-defined erythematous papules and plaques surmounted by silvery white scales commonly seen over the elbows, knees, scalp and extensor surfaces. Psoriasis is likely to be accompanied by other chronic medical conditions like obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus (DM) and atherosclerotic complications. This study was aimed to evaluate clinical presentation and associated co-morbidities in patients with psoriasis. Material and Methods: This observational, prospective study was conducted in patients attending OPD and diagnosed as psoriasis. Results: During study period we had total 220 patients. Patients from age group 36-55 were 70.45%. The most common type of psoriasis in our study was psoriasis vulgaris (85.1%), followed by Palmoplantar psoriasis (14.09%), scalp psoriasis (5.91%). Common sites of involvement were upper extremities, lower extremities, scalp, trunk, nails having 86.82%, 84.55%, 80.45%, 75%, 65.91% percentage distribution respectively. Multiple conventional cardiovascular risk factors as hypertension (55.91%), metabolic syndrome (39.55%), dyslipidaemia (29.09%) in study patients. While cardiovascular comorbidities cardiovascular diseases (15.45%), myocardial infarction (2.73%), cerebral infarction (1.82%), cerebral haemorrhage (1.36%) noted. Conclusion: Psoriasis is a chronic dermatological disorder, having multifactorial pathologies, with chronic remissions and exacerbations. Furthermore, due to long standing course and associated co-morbidities, psoriasis-associated disabilities are common in patients. Such studies offer a general insight into the presentation, types of psoriasis and associated co-morbidities, which proves useful in management of psoriasis.