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Table of Content - Volume 12 Issue 3 - December 2018


Clinical profile of myocardial infarction in elderly of rural population


Niveditha Alok Swamy1*, B Kerodi2, M S Mulimani3, A P Ambali4, S R Raiker5


1Senior Resident, Ramaiah Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Bijapur, Karnataka, INDIA.

2Senior Resident, 3,4Professor, B.L.D.E.U’s SHRI. B. M. Patil Medical College Hospital And Research Centre Bijapur , Karnataka, INDIA.

Email: nitukerodi@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: The elderly with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) have been reported to present with more atypical symptoms. AMI is associated with significantly higher mortality in the elderly compared with the young, yet the elderly are treated less aggressively than the young. Thrombolytic therapy has the greatest effect in the elderly even though there is an increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke. Materials and Methods: A total of 50 patients were taken for study, each case was included after detailed history, risk factors, clinical examination and relevant investigation which include ECG, CPKMB, Troponin-T. Patients were followed from the date of admission till the date of discharge. Analysis of all patients was done regarding-risk factors, whether they were thrombolysed or not thrombolysed and their outcomes. Results: Patients admitted to B.L.D.E’s Shri B.M. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Center, Bijapur from 1st July to 31st August 2011 who were diagnosed with Acute Myocardial Infarction and admitted with Chest pain. Risk factors are Hypertension: 29, Diabetes: 23, IHD: 5, Hyperlipidemia: 14, Alcoholism: 5, Smoking and tobacco chewing: 17, All risk factors present: 0. Conclusion: Mortality rate in our study group was as high as 38% due to various factors like delay in the initiation of treatment and the lack of facilities of interventional cardiology. Hypertension was found to be the major risk factor for MI in our study group.

Key Words: AMI, ECG, CPKMB, Troponin-T