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Table of Content Volume 14 Issue 3 - June 2020

Cutaneous manifestations in chronic kidney disease patients: A cross sectional study


Jogendra Singh1, Gangadhar2*


1Senior Resident, Department of Cardiology, AIIMS, Bhuvaneshwar, INDIA.

2Senior Resident, Raichur Institute of Medical Science, Raichur, INDIA.

Email: gangadharbuduga@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: Cutaneous manifestations are common in chronic kidney disease and range from nearly generalized xerosis and pruritis to uncommon conditions such as hyperpigmentation of exposed areas, acquired perforating dermatosis and nail abnormalities. Aim: To study the cutaneous manifestations in chronic kidney disease patients. Material and Methods: This was a cross sectional study done on 100 patients with chronic kidney disease as defined by KDOQI guidelines. A thorough skin examination was done by dermatologist also and specific investigations such as skin biopsies, culture and sensitivity for bacterial infections, Gram’s stain, potassium hydroxide mount, and fungal culture were performed wherever indicated. Results: The prevalence of cutaneous manifestation seen in CKD patients is 73%. Pallor was the most common skin manifestation found in the CKD patients in our study. It was found in 39 patients (39%). Pruritis comprised the main complaint dermatological manifestation in 28 patients (28%). Xerosis was identified as a primary skin lesion in 38 (38%) patients. Conclusion: Total 73% patients showed at least one cutaneous manifestation. The prevalence increases with progression of CKD stages and seen mostly in stage 5D and minimum in CKD stage 3. The most common cutaneous manifestation in CKD patients was pallor. Xerosis, pruritis and other were seen predominantly in dialytic patients.

Key words: chronic kidney disease, cutaneous lesions, pallor, xerosis.