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Table of Content - Volume 3 Issue 3- September 2016

Study of socio-demographic profile of retrovirus cases attending ICTC of tertiary care Bharati Hospital, Sangli, Maharashtra


Jadhav V B1, Tammanagoudar V A2*


1Associate Professor, 2Jr. Resident, Department of General Medicine, Bharati Medical College, Sangli, Maharashtra, INDIA.

Email: vijayrokz00@gmail.com


Abstract              Aims and objectives and research question: To study what are the socio-demographic profile of retrovirus positive subjects, common sources of referral to ICTC and their HIV status of spouse or partner. Materials and Method: Hospital record based retrospective study for those cases that visited ICTC centre in Bharati Hospital, Wanlesswadi, Sangli, IEC permission was taken, the study included only retrovirus test positive cases, all (1103). 347 (67.24%) females, 649 (58.83%) study subjects belong to 15-49 years age group. 312 (53.15%) males and 377 (70.01%) females were married. 389 (35.26%) study subjects visited ICTC voluntarily and 494 (44.78%) were referred by private health facility and OBG and Maternity homes, Majority of the study subjects responders had Heterosexual behavior 1037 (94.01%). In 1037 heterosexual partners, both were Retro virus infected. Conclusion: Our present study shows high prevalence of HIV (Retrovirus) positive especially among of 15-49 years. People are using ICTC voluntarily; using ICTC facility itself reflects greater awareness about HIV infection. It will help to control spread of infection and bring about a change in the attitude towards the disease in the community.

Key Words: HIV positive, ICTC, Risk behavior, Counseling.