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Table of Content - Volume 4 Issue 2- November 2016

A study of response to lipid lowering therapy in non-diabetic patients with dyslipidemia at tertiary health care center


Raju Talawar1, Darshna Makwana2*


1Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, J.N.M.C. Nehru Nagar, Belagavi, Karnataka-590010, INDIA.

2Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, B.J.M.C. Asarwa, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA.

Email: drrajutalawar@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: In spite of considerable advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of ischemic stroke, therapeutic options, particularly pharmacological agents for prevention and treatment are still limited. Aims and Objectives: To Study of response to lipid lowering therapy in non-diabetic patients with dyslipidemia at tertiary health care center. Methodology: All non-diabetic patients with features of stroke admitted to tertiary care hospital from December 2013 to December 2015 were taken for the study. Data will be collected by means of case record form. All non-diabetic patients of cerebrovascular accidents were enrolled in this study with informed consent and detailed patient information were included into study. The clinical outcome after 3 month was assessed by the Modified Rankin Scale (MRS). The statistical analysis done of paired t-test analyzed by SPSS 19 version software. Result: The change of serum TG after 3 months is 23.6mg/dl and P value is < 0.01 which is highly significant. The change of LDL levels after 3 months is 12.04mg/dl and P value is < 0.01 which is highly significant. The change of HDL levels after 3 months is 2.76mg/dl and P value is < 0.01which is highly significant. The change of VLDL levels after 3 months is 3.72mg/dl and P value is < 0.01which is highly significant.MRS score showed a good clinical outcome with reduction in LDL levels and the corresponding P value is 0.26 and r value of 0.15 which is significant. Conclusion: In the present study there is a significant change in bio-chemical values of lipid profile after treating with statins for a duration of 3 months, but there is no significant improvement in clinical outcome except for LDL. So, it can be concluded that measures to reduce serum LDL levels will be useful in secondary prevention of thrombotic stroke.

Key Words: Lipid lowering therapy, dyslipidemia, Rankin Scale (MRS), Lipid profile, CVA (Cerebrovascular accidents).