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Table of Content - Volume 6 Issue 1 - April 2017


Clinical profile of pyelonephritis in patients with diabetes mellitus


Shripad Vithalrao Dhanorkar1, Balasaheb Eknathrao Karad2*


1Associate Professor, 2Professor and Head, Department of Medicine, Gouri Devi Institute of medical sciences, Rajbandh, Durgapur, West Bengal, INDIA.

Email: karadbalasaheb@gmail.com, svdhanorkar@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: Acute pyelonephritis is defined as bacterial or fungal infection of renal parenchyma and collecting system. Acute pyelonephritis was otherwise called acute focal pyelonephritis or acute focal bacterial nephritis or acute lobar nephronia Aims and objectives: to study Clinical profile of pyelonephritis in patients with diabetes mellitus. Methodology: After approval from institutional ethical committee a cross-sectional study was carried out in the department of Medicine at tertiary health care centre during the two year period i.e. January 2016 to January 2018 in the diabetic patients who were referred for the pyelonephritis were studied by taking the informed consent of the patients. All the patients received treatment as per the standard protocols and at the end outcome in the patients like Survival with Nephrectomy Survival without Nephrectoy, Expired etc. seen. Result: The majority of the patients were in the age group of 50-60 i.e. 33.33%, followed by 40-50. 25.00%, 30-40 were 19.44%, >60 were 13.89%, 20-30 were 8.33%. The majority of the patients were male i.e. 69.44% and female were 30.56%. The most common clinical feature was Fever i.e. 90% followed by Dysurea -85%. Altered sensorium in 79%, Renal dysfunction -53%,UTI -49%, Shock -38%, Leucocytosis-29% Thrombocytopenia -21%, Renal Stone -11%, The Culture +ve patients were -93%, E. coli -87%, K. pneumonia in 13%, Pseudomonas -10%, Polymicrobial -7%, Fungal-5%, Culture –ve in 3%. As per the outcome patients Survived with Nephrectomy in 70%, Survived without Nephrectoy in 27%, Expired -3% Conclusion: It can be concluded from our study that the majority of the patients were in the age group of 40-50 and affecting mostly to males, the most common clinical features were Fever, Dysurea, Altered sensorium, Renal dysfunction, UTI, Shock, Leucocytosis Thrombocytopenia, Renal Stone on culture the most common organism s were E. coli, K. pneumonia and majority of the patients survived with the surgical treatment like nephrectomy.

Key Words: Pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), Renal dysfunction