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Table of Content - Volume 6 Issue 2 - May 2017


Study of clinico-haematological profile of malaria


Vasant Deokar1, Mohit Khatri2*


1Associate Professor, 2Resident, Department of Medicine, KIMS Karad, Maharashtra, INDIA.

Email: mohitkhat1@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: Malaria is one of the important public health problems in India. The present study is aimed at to study clinical and hematological profile of patient with malarial infection. Materials and Methods: Cases will include showing signs of malaria and diagnosed case of malaria from medicine OPD as well as IPD patients in Krishna Institutes of Medical Sciences. Results: Fever is the most common clinical manifestation present in 100% cases followed by jaundice in 23.3%, vomiting in 18.3%, headache in 16.6%, pain abdomen in 8%, cough 6.6%, and seizure in 1.6%. Conclusion: Thrombocytopenia is a common complication seen in vivax as well as falciparum malaria . The clinicians should be aware of this change and give as much attention to both malaria so that they can identify the early signs of complications and severe disease. This will help in reducing the morbidity and mortality in malaria

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