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Table of Content - Volume 7 Issue 3 - September 2017


A study of the clinical profile and factors associated with guillianbarre syndrome at a tertiary care teaching hospital


A Madhav1, D Anil Kumar2*


1,2Associate Professor, Department of General Medicine, Gandhi Medical College, Musheerabad, Secunderabad -500003, Telangana State, INDIA.

Email: anilddrmd@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: Guillian–Barre syndrome (GBS), also known as Landry's paralysis1, is an immune-mediated disorder of nervous system, of acute or subacute onset characterized commonly by generalized progressive weakness of lower limbs and upper limbs, limb paraesthesias and relative or complete areflexia. Aims and Objectives: To Study the clinical profile and Factors associated with Guillianbarre syndrome at a tertiary care teaching hospital.  Materials and Methods: This was a cross sectional study carried out in the Department of General Medicine, of a tertiary care teaching hospital during the period July 2017 to June 2018. A total of44 patients were included into the study after written explained consent during this period. All necessary details of the patients like age, sex, symptoms and associated factors, if any were noted. The statistical analysis was done by Excel for windows 10. Results: The majority of patients in the age group of 40-50 years were 34.09%,  followed by 30-40 years were 22.73%, 20-30 years were 15.91%, 50-60 years were 11.36% and >60 years were 9.09%. The majority of patients were Male -65.91%, followed by Female -34.09%. The majority of patients with symptoms like Weakness of limbs were 93.18%, Sensory symptoms were present in 86.36% and Ptosis/ophthalmoplegia in 27.27%. Patients with Respiratory difficulty were -15.91%, Facial nerve involvement was present in 11.36% and Bulbar symptoms in 6.82%. The majority of patients associated with H/o URTI were27.27%, H/o GI Infections in20.45%, H/o Meningitis in 15.91%, H/o Dengue fever in 9.09%, H/o PUO in 6.82%, H/o Vaccination in 4.55% and Unknown in 15.91%.  Conclusion :It can be concluded from our study that majority of patients were in the age group of 40-50 yrs.The majority of patients were Males.The majority of patients were having symptoms like Weakness of limbs, Sensory symptoms and Ptosis/ophthalmoplegia.The patients were associated with H/o URTI,  H/o GI Infections,  H/o Meningitis H/o Dengue fever, H/o PUO,  H/o Vaccination, etc.

Key Words: Guillain–Barre syndrome (GBS), Landry'sparalysis, URTI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infections), GI Infections (Gastro Intestinal Infections), PUO (Pyrexia of Unknown Origin).