Official Journals By StatPerson Publication
Table of Content-Volume 4 Issue 3 - December - 2017
A study of fine needle aspiration cytology in diagnosis of various tumors of bone and its histopathological correlation at tertiary health care center
S V Ramana, Y Sudhasree A study of clinico-haematological profile of iron deficiency anaemia at AIMSR, Chittoor P Durga Prasad, C R Sirajunnisa Begum, P Vijay Kumar, M Bharathi Sree, S Bhavadeep Kumar Reddy A study of clinical profile of patients with mesenchymal tumour of gastrointestinal tract at SVIMS, Tirupati
P Durga Prasad, P Vijay Kumar, Rashmi Patnaik, N Rukhmangadha Intra-operative squash cytology in diagnosing intracranial tumours- a useful method in resource-limited setting with lack of frozen section facility Prachi, Sreelekha B V Morphological and histopathological changes in heart Ganga H, Indudhara P B Clinicopathological spectrum of female genital tract neoplasms - A rural tertiary care hospital study Sheela L Gaikwad, Vaibhav V Deshmukh, Santosh B Bhokare, Preeti S Sharma, Sandhya B Narwade Histopathological changes in coronaries and thoracic aorta Ganga H, Indudhara P B Primary sinonasal ameloblastoma presenting with nasal obstruction: A case report Mudholkar Vishal G, Deshpande Shubha A
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