Official Journals By StatPerson Publication
Table of Content-Volume 5 Volume 1 - January 2018
Quality control of whole blood and blood components - Good quality measure for efficient supply of blood products
Vaidehi R Patel, Heena Pagi, Nidhi Bhatanagar, M D Gajjar
Assessment of the knowledge of blood transfusion among nursing staff: before and after implementing a designed teaching session about blood transfusion
Yashodhara R Gotekar, Vishrabdha R Pawar
Clinicopathological study of oral cancers in a rural area - A two year study
Shweta Grover, Nitin Gangane
Clinicopathilogical study of ovarian tumors
P S Muley, R D Hanmante, S A Deshpande, G D Phasge
Comparative analysis of histopathological presentation of lesions of testis
Kavitha Yevoor, Sanjeev Reddy M
A study of histopathology of tumours and tumour like lesions of testis
Sanjeev Reddy M, Kavitha Yevoor
Clinicopathological study of 29 cases of testicular lesions in children - A panicky situation
J Rajan, C P D’Souza
An unusual case of low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma in young girl - A case report
Mangesh G Kohale, Sheela N Kulkarni, Anupama Dhobale
Comparative evaluation study between cytological and histopathological grading of Breast carcinoma
Viral M Bhanvadia et al.
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