Official Journals By StatPerson Publication
Table of Content-Volume 5 Volume 2 - February 2018
Prevalence of FVlll and FlX inhibitors in hemophiliac patient of Saurashtra region: A preliminary study
Dhaval Mehta, Alpesh Chavda, Sagar Hingrajiya
Histopathological study of non-neoplastic and neoplastic skin lesion by punch biopsy in west India - A three year study
Vaidehi Patel, Meeta Parikh, Nikunj Suthar
A study of cystic ovarian lesions at tertiary care centre
Asha Satvara, Nayan Koitiya, Alaknanda Atara, S S Sheikh, P M SantwaniSuthar
Deferral of blood donors in a blood bank of a tertiary care centre: A retrospective study
Rakesh A Hazari, Reetesh Kumar Gujar, Deepika Kirar
Gross and macroscopic features of gallbladder in cholecystectomy specimen
Rashmi H K, Shivamurthy Y L, Suresh K K, Chatura K R
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