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Table of Content - Volume 17 Issue 3 - March 2021

Study of neonatal outcomes of eclamptic mothers in a tertiary care hospital


Suyog Tannirwar1, Pooja Daramwar2*


1,2Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatric, Dr Ulhas Patil Medical College, Jalgaon khurd, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, INDIA.

Email: sbtannirwar@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: Perinatal mortality in babies born to eclamptic mothers is reported to be 5% to 11% in developed countries where as it is as high as 40% in developing countries. In present study we aimed to analyse neonatal outcomes of eclamptic mothers in a tertiary care hospital. Material and Methods: Present study was a retrospective, descriptive study done in antepartum and intrapartum eclampsia mothers and their babies with > 28 weeks gestational age delivered at our hospital during study period were studied. Results: During study period total 126 eclampsia patients with > 28 weeks gestational age delivered at our hospital. Most common maternal age group in present study was 21-25 years (54%) followed by ≤20 years (18%) and 26-30 years (14%). Most patients were from 34-36 weeks (41%) gestational age while 34% and 25% were from <34 weeks and ≥37 weeks gestational age respectively. 48% were nulliparous, 56% patients had 2-4 antenatal visits. Most common type of eclampsia was antepartum (87%). Vaginal delivery was done in 61%, while 34% underwent LSCS. Duration from first convulsion to delivery was < 6 hours in 15%, 6–12 hours in 60% and > 12 hours in 25% patients. In present study, 1501-2500 gms (60%) birth weight group was most common followed by >2500 gms (18%) and 1001-1500 grams (17%). In present study stillbirths were 13% while early neonatal death was noted in 14%. Out of 110 live births APGAR score at 5 minutes was ≥7 in 67%,3-6 in 12% and 1-2 in 9%. 24 % neonates required resuscitation while NICU admission was required in 46% neonates. Complications were noted in 51 neonates. Respiratory distress (31%), Clinical Sepsis (29%), Meconium-stained liquor (25%), Severe birth asphyxia (22%), Hypocalcemia (16%) were common complications. Conclusion: Eclampsia requires early delivery, high risk of neonatal morbidity and mortality, should be delivered at a tertiary institute. Prematurity, growth restriction and low birth weight are neonatal complications noted in mothers with eclampsia.

Keywords: neonatal outcome, eclampsia, prematurity, LBW



Hypertensive disorders are one of the most important causes of perinatal and maternal mortality and morbidity in both developing and developed countries. Perinatal mortality in babies born to eclamptic mothers is reported to be 5% to 11% in developed countries where as it is as high as 40% in developing countries.1,2 The neonatal complications associated with eclampsia include intrauterine growth retardation, Intrauterine deaths, complications associated with preterm deliveries, intracranial haemorrhage, respiratory distress, surfactant deficiency induced hyaline membrane disease, neonatal sepsis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and need for NICU admissions.3 As the only definitive management of severe eclampsia is delivery it becomes of utmost importance to keep in mind the effect such a preterm delivery might have on newborn. The neonates delivered early to control severe eclampsia may require intensive neonatal care.4 Babies with low APGAR scores are prone for developing various complications like periventricular leukomalacia leading to germinal matrix haemorrhage, respiratory distress hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia.5 These babies may need long term follow up to detect long term sequel of prematurity and birth asphyxia like cerebral palsy. Many studies have concluded that eclampsia in the mother is associated with increased risk of cerebral palsy in preterm and low birth weight infants. In present study we aimed to analyse neonatal outcomes of eclamptic mothers in a tertiary care hospital.



Present study was a retrospective, descriptive study done at department of paediatrics, Dr Ulhas Patil medical college and hospital, Jalgaon. Case records of all eclampsia mother and babies were analyzed for period of 1 year (January 2020 to December 2020). Case records of all antepartum and intrapartum eclampsia mothers and their babies with > 28 weeks gestational age delivered at our hospital during this period were studied. If mother was a known case of seizure disorder was excluded from study. Demographic and clinical details were collected from case sheet, delivery register and discharge cards. Information in detail of maternal profile and neonatal outcome were noted. Study variable of eclamptic patients like age, parity, booking status, gestational age at the time of admission, type of eclampsia, mode of delivery; various perinatal and maternal outcomes e.g. Still births, maternal complications during the delivery were recorded. Neonatal weight, gestation, mode of delivery, APGAR, growth category, and complications like respiratory distress, meconium aspiration, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, mortality etc. were recorded. Data were collected till the time of discharge/death of babies.

Data was collected and entered in Microsoft excel sheet. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive statistics.



During study period total 126 eclampsia patients with > 28 weeks gestational age delivered at our hospital. Most common maternal age group in present study was 21-25 years (54%) followed by ≤20 years (18%) and 26-30 years (14%). Most patients were from 34-36 weeks (41%) gestational age while 34% and 25% were from <34 weeks and ≥37 weeks gestational age respectively. 48% were nulliparous, 56% patients had 2-4 antenatal visits. Most common type of eclampsia was antepartum (87%). Vaginal delivery was done in 61%, while 34% underwent LSCS. Duration from first convulsion to delivery was < 6 hours in 15%, 6–12 hours in 60% and > 12 hours in 25% patients.


Table 1: Maternal characteristics

Maternal characteristics

No of patients


Maternal age

≤20 years



21-25 years



26-30 years



31-35 years



≥35 years



Gestational age

<34 weeks



34-36 weeks



≥37 weeks










3 or more



Antenatal visits







> 4



Type of eclampsia







Duration from first convulsion to delivery (in hours)

< 6






> 12



Mode of delivery










In present study, 1501-2500 gms (60%) birth weight group was most common followed by >2500 gms (18%) and 1001-1500 grams (17%). In present study stillbirths were 13% while early neonatal death was noted in 14%. Out of 110 live births APGAR score at 5 minutes was ≥7 in 67%,3-6 in 12% and 1-2 in 9%. 24 % neonates required resuscitation while NICU admission was required in 46% neonates. Complications were noted in 51 neonates. Respiratory distress (31%), Clinical Sepsis (29%), Meconium-stained liquor (25%), Severe birth asphyxia (22%), Hypocalcemia (16%) were common complications.


Table 2: Perinatal outcome in eclamptic patients

Perinatal outcome

No of patients


Birth weight (grams)

≤ 1000















Early neonatal death



Apgar score at 5 minutes (n=110)










Neonatal outcome (n=110)

Neonatal resuscitation required



NICU admission



not required NICU admission



Complications (n=51)

Respiratory distress



Clinical Sepsis



Meconium-stained liquor



Severe birth asphyxia






Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy






Bronchopulmonary dysplasia





Antenatal magnesium sulphate is commonly used in obstetric practice. Systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines support its use when given for maternal neuroprotection in preeclampsia or eclampsia6 and for neuroprotection of the fetus in women at risk of preterm birth (for cerebral palsy prevention).7 Neonatal outcome in eclamptic mothers is dependent upon multiple factors such as birth weight of the baby, gestational age, birth asphyxia, presence or absence of meconium aspiration and Apgar score at birth. Maternal Eclampsia is one of the prominent etiological factors for neonatal morbidity and mortality. Prematurity, growth restriction and low birth weight are the common neonatal complications seen in babies born to mothers with eclampsia.8 In study by Jagjit S,8 there were 113 cases of eclampsia mothers (0.96%). Majority of newborn were born to unbooked mother (95.57%). 57% babies were born by Caesarean section. 80.5% babies were live born and 19.5% were still born. Perinatal deaths due to eclampsia was 23%. Out of 91 live births, 45 (49.4%) babies admitted to Neonatal intensive care unit. The common reasons for admission were small for gestational age (43.9%) and low birth weight, hypoglycemia (5.4%), respiratory distress (15.3%), severe birth asphyxia (7.6%) and 4 (4.3%) babies had neonatal death. 87/91 (95.6%) newborns were discharged. In present study >80% of eclamptic patients had babies with birth weight less than 2500 g. Similar results were observed in other studies conducted by Dhananjaya et al..9 and Rajesri et al..,10 with 89% and 78% of babies respectively with birth weight less than 2500g. This may be because of higher number of preterm deliveries (spontaneous and induced) as well as intrauterine growth restriction which is a known complication of preeclampsia. Eclampsia in the rural population is an important cause of significant neonatal morbidity in terms of prematurity, LBW, IUGR, and birth asphyxia. It is a significant risk factor for late preterm births as well.11Tejaswi Nandan12 conducted a comparative study of new-born babies born to 100 consecutive mothers admitted with eclampsia with those born to 100 consecutive non-eclamptic mothers (considered as control) with normal BP. The majority of eclamptic mothers were primigravida (88%), <20 years of age (65%), having body weight of mean 41.22±5.12 kg, height of mean 147.28±6.27cm, and socioeconomic status of Class IV (90%). There was no significant difference observed in respect of age, weight, height, religion, caste, parity, and socioeconomic status between eclamptic and control mothers and thus, the two groups were statistically matched. Outcome in new-borns of eclamptic mothers was significantly more adverse (p<0.001) than in non-eclamptic mothers. In this study, four significant neonatal outcomes of eclamptic mothers were observed as preterm, LBW, IUGR, and birth asphyxia while other outcomes as hypoxic- ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), early-onset sepsis (EOS), early neonatal death (END), and stillbirth were not significant. They concluded that the eclampsia is an important cause of significant neonatal morbidity in terms of prematurity, LBW, IUGR, and birth asphyxia. It is a significant risk factor for late preterm births as well. Madhu Sinha13 studied 298 cases of eclampsia, (3 died undelivered) 104 fetus died. Perinatal mortality rate was 39.5% Intrauterine death were 56 (53.8%). Stillbirth accounted for 19.2% of perinatal mortality and 26.9% of neonatal death. 124 newborn got admitted in the nursery, of which 28 (26.9%) died, 96 (60%) were live. There were 28 (26.9%) neonatal deaths. 63 (39.6%) babies were shifted to mother side after observation. Reasons for admission were preterm (21.1%), Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) (15.1%), low birth weight (69.4%), meconium aspiration, low Apgar score. Most common causes of perinatal death were birth asphyxia, prematurity, meconium aspiration and neonatal sepsis. In the study conducted by Kamat DJ14 and Edgar et al.., 15 the stillbirth rate was found to be 11.5% and 12.2% respectively. Also, the neonatal death rate in studies by Kamat DJ14 and Anuja et al..16 was 5.3% and 5.4% respectively.17,21 Perinatal mortality was 68.2% and 40% when the convulsion to delivery interval was more than 12 hours noted in the studies by Anuja et al. and Rajesri et al., respectively. But due to more liberal use of caesarean sections and better NICU facilities available, reduction in perinatal mortality is expected. Although all cases of eclampsia are not preventable but we can improve maternal and fetal outcome by good antenatal care, early detection of sign and symptoms of preeclampsia, prompt treatment and timely termination of pregnancy.



Eclampsia requires early delivery, high risk of neonatal morbidity and mortality, should be delivered at a tertiary institute. Prematurity, growth restriction and low birth weight are neonatal complications noted in mothers with eclampsia. A good neonatal intensive care unit will help improve neonatal outcomes.



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