Section Editor Profile

Personal information:
- Name: Mohammad Waheed Mohammad El-Anwar
- Sex: Male.
- Date of birth: March 5, 1973.
- Place of birth: Zagazig-Egypt.
- Citizenship: Egyptian.
- Address: 80 El-Naieb Street, El-Nezam District, Zagazig, Egypt
- Job title: Professor and Consultant of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck surgery, Maxillofacial surgery.
- Work address: Otorhinolaryngology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt.
- Mobile phone: +201004695197 --- +201124621182.
- Email: mwenteg1973@gmail.com
- Languages: Excellent in written and spoken Arabic and English
Medical education:
- Bachelor Degree of Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt, December 1997, with the general grade: excellent with honor.
- Master Degree in Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt, May 2002, with the general grade: very good. Master Thesis was titled "ventilation tube insertion in secretory otitis media: Effect on pneumatization of the mastoid process
- Medical Doctorate (MD) Degree in Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt, April 2008. MD. Thesis was titled as "evaluation of different modalities of craniofacial reconstruction".
Professional experience:
- House officer, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, from 1 March 1998 to 28 February 1999 including: General Surgery, Obstetric Surgery, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Emergency, Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Otorhinolaryngology.
- Resident of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, 3 August 1999 – 3 August 2002.
- Demonstrator of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, 2 February 2003- 21 March 2003.
- Assistant Lecturer of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, 22 March 2003- 25 August 2008.
- Lecturer of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, 26 August 2008 - 23 September 2013.
- Associate professor of Otorhinolaryngology from 24 September 2013 till 25 September 2018.
- Professor of Otorhinolaryngology from 25 September 2018 till now
- Consultant Otorhinolaryngology at Saudian commission of health specialities.
Societies membership:
- Member of Egyptian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists.
- Member of Delta Society of Otorhinolaryngologists.
- Consultant at the Egyptian Medical Syndicate.
- Consultant at the Saudi Comision of health service
- Member of the Egyptian Laryngological & Sleep Surgery Society (ELSSS).
- Member of the Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE).
Courses and workshops attended:
- Computer course (MS, DOS, Windows and SPSSwin) from October 2003 to January 2004, Zagazig University.
- Temporal bone course (hands on) from Ain Shams University, September 2005.
- Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea course (hands on) from Ain Shams University, November 2005.
- Endoscopic sinus surgery workshop, from Kasr El-Aini, December 2005.
- Imaging course in ORL head and neck surgery from Ain Shams University, March 2006.
- Septorhinoplasty course from Ain Shams University, June 2007.
- Endoscopic sinonasal surgery course from Ain Shams University, March 2008.
- Pediatric ORL course from UK-ENT (hands on), October 2008.
- Infection control course in Al-Ahrar general hospital, Egypt, 8-10 January 2012.
- Workshop on thyroid malignancy surgery; Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University in collaboration with the Egyptian society of head and neck oncology; 1 November 2014.
- Modulator and organizer of the basic endoscopic course of nose and paranasal sinus, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, 12 Febrary 2015.
- Endoscopic skull base disection course, military accadamy, cairo 12 March 2015.
- 7th Alexandria otoendoscopy workshop, 7 April 2015.
- Head of organizing commitee of the first integrated disection courses, Zagazig ORL department 29 july to August 2015.
- Head of organizing commitee of the salivary glands surgery cadaveric disection course, Zagazig ORL department 17 September 2015.
- Instructor in instruction course (how to manage deep neck space abcess) in Ain Shams ORL academy meeting; 5 June 2015.
- Vascular workshop entitled management of iatrogenic vascular injuries, Vascular Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, 13 January 2016.
- Head of the course, instructor and speaker in the first maxillofacial dissection course, 1st Egyptian dissection program for ENT (EDPENT), In coopeperation with international reference and development surgical Lepzing (IRDC, Germany) and KAR hospital and research institue (India). Accredited by the British acadamy of continuing medical education, 21-22 January 2016.
- Member of organizing and scietiic committee of the first endoscopic ear surgery workshop, Otorhinolaryngology department, Zagazig University, 18 Febrary 2016.
- Conference presentation workshop, Zagazig University, 16 March 2016.
- 2nd Zagazig audio-vestibular unit instruction course "the art of audio-vestibular rehailitation", 28 April 2016.
- Director, instructor and speaker in the second maxillofacial dissection course, 2nd Egyptian dissection program for ENT (EDPENT), In coopeperation with ear nose and throat patient care society (ENTPCS). Accredited by the British academy of continuing medical education, 12-13 May 2016.
- Director, instructor and speaker in the first Obstructive sleep apnea dissection course, 2nd Egyptian dissection program for ENT (EDPENT), In coopeperation with ear nose and throat patient care society (ENTPCS). Accredited by the British acadamy of continuing medical education, 13-14 May 2016.
- Instructor in temporal bone course, Zagazig ORL department, 15-17 July 2016.
- Head of organizing team, member of scientific committee, speaker and instructor in the second integrated disection courses, Zagazig ORL department 15 to 31 July 2016.
- Hands on in cochlear implant course, Zagazig ORL department, 15-17 July 2016.
- Speaker and instructor in basic endoscopic sinus surgery course, Zagazig ORL department, 20-21 July 2016.
- Speaker in advanced sinuscopic and skull base course, Zagazig ORL department, 22-23 July 2016.
- Rhinoplasty course, Zagazig ORL department, 28-29 July 2016.
- Cochlear implant workshop with Arabton in Ain sokhna, 3 November 2016.
- Speaker in Basic skills in maxillofacial surgery workshop, postgraduate continous medical education. Benha ORL department in colobration with the Egytian society of otorhinolaryngology 6- 7 November 2016.
- Speaker, organizer and scientific committee member in the Zagazig ORL obstructive sleep apnea day, Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, in cooperation with the Egyptian Society of Otorhinolaryngology and sleep disordered breathing unit, Chest department, Zagazig University. 8 December, 2016.
- Demonestrator (Workshop faculty) in pre and pos congress cadaver dissection courses, Egyptian rhinology society (ERS) Iin colebration with Military medical academy (MMA), March 6-8 & 12- 18, 2017.
- Europian Resuscitation Congress (ERC) course as Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider, 20 May 2017.
- Speaker and instructor (Workshop faculty) in the cadaver dissection courses, Egyptian rhinology society (ERS) in colebration with Military medical academy (MMA) and Ear Nose Throat Patient Care Society (ENTPTS), September 16- 25, 2017.
- Speaker and instructor in the sleep apnea course Cadaveric workshop, at National training institute (NTI), Egyptian Ministry of health, 15-16 October, 2017.
- Speaker and instructor in Zagazig sleep surgery conference, in colebration with Egyptian rhinology society (ERS), 7-9 December 2017.
- Speaker of the first international Egyptian -German Workshop on Laser in laryngology, national Laser institute, Cairo University, 13-14 January 2018.
- Speaker in the annual Mansoura international sleep surgery workshop, 22-23 Fibruary, 2018.
- Speaker and instructor (Workshop faculty) in the cadaver dissection courses, Egyptian rhinology society (ERS) in colebration with Military medical academy (MMA) and Ear Nose Throat Patient Care Society (ENTPTS), March 5- 7, 2018.
- Attend workhsop on creat your project; step by step. Faculty of Medecine, Zagazig University. 18-19 September 2018.
- Speaker and instructor in the workshop of sleep apnea and coblation in ENT surgery, organized by better hearing society and learn program, and accredited by British Academy of Continous Medical Education, conducted at National Training Institute, 20-21 December, 2018, Cairo Egypt.
- Integrated course for CI under the auspices of the Egyptian society for CI (ESCI) in collaboration with ENT department , Zagazig University & Egyptian audio vestibular medicine association (EAVMA), 4 January 2019.
- Speaker at the Sleep Apnea Symposium at March 6, 2020 (6 CME hours from Saudi comision of health services).
Training programs, workshops and courses:
- University lecture preparation and effective teaching (June and July 2004).
- Scientific research methodology (May 2005).
- Thinking skills (June 2005), Medical and work ethics (June 2005).
- TOEFL (December 2005), Effective teaching (January 2006).
- Economic aspects in universities (February 2006).
- Medicolegal aspects in universities (March 2006).
- Decision making and problem solving (April 2006).
- Technology use in teaching (July 2007).
- Skills of effective presentation (July 2007). Effective leadership (December 2011 – Jan 2012).
- Examination methods and student evaluation (21-22 February 2012) (15 hours).
- Workshop on how to prepare and write a scientific project proposal (1-2 April 2012).
- Time and meeting management (29-30 July 2012) (15 hours).
- International scientific publication (31 July- 1 August 2012) (15 hours).
- Technology use in teaching (14-15 August 2012) (15 hours).
- Students evaluation systems (December 2012 – Jan 2013).
- DAAD workshop on international publishing 18-6- 2014.
- Workshop on how to write a portofolio at 27-6-2014.
- Workshop on Management of a research group, Zagazig University, (15-16 July 2014) (15 hours).
- Organizer and speaker of the first pliagarism workshop of faculty of medecine, Zagazig University, 18 Febrary 2015.
- Organizer and speaker of the second pliagarism workshop of faculty of medecine, Zagazig University, 2 March 2015.
- Speaker in the pliagarism workshop of Zagazig University, 20 April 2015.
- Head of organizing team, speaker and instructor in the first integrated disection courses, Zagazig ORL department 29 july to 13 August 2015.
- Speaker and instructor in basic endoscopic sinus surgery course, Zagazig ORL department, 29- 30 July 2015.
- Instructor in temporal bone course, Zagazig ORL department, 6- 8 August 2015.
- Speaker and instructor in the salivary glands surgery cadaveric disection course, Zagazig ORL department 17 September 2015.
- Speaker in the pliagarism workshop of Faculty of Vegeterian, Zagazig University, 18 November 2015.
- Speaker in the pliagarism workshop of Zagazig University, 12 January 2016.
- the first endoscopic ear surgery workshop, Otorhinolaryngology department, Zagazig University, 18 Febrary 2016.
- Conference presentation workshop, Zagazig University, 16 March 2016.
- 2nd Zagazig audio-vestibular unit instruction course "the art of audio-vestibular rehailitation", 28 April 2016.
- Instructor in temporal bone course, Zagazig ORL department, 15-17 July 2016.
- Head of organizing team, member of scientific committee, speaker and instructor in the second integrated disection courses, Zagazig ORL department 15 to 31 july 2016.
- Hands on in cochlear implant course, Zagazig ORL department, 15-17 July 2016.
- Speaker and instructor in basic endoscopic sinus surgery course, Zagazig ORL department, 20-21 July 2016.
- Speaker in advanced sinuscopic and skull base course, Zagazig ORL department, 22-23 July 2016.
- Rhinoplasty course, Zagazig ORL department, 28-29 July 2016.
- Cochlear implant workshop with Arabton in Ain sokhna, 3 November 2016.
- Speaker in Basic skills in maxillofacial surgery workshop, postgraduate continous medical education. Benha ORL department in colobration with the Egytian society of otorhinolaryngology 6- 7 November 2016.
- Speaker, organizer and scientific committee member in the Zagazig ORL obstructive sleep apnea day, Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, in cooperation with the Egyptian Society of Otorhinolaryngology and sleep disordered breathing unit, Chest department, Zagazig University. 8 December, 2016.
- Workshop on Crisis and disaster management, Zagazig University, (18-19 January 2017) (15 hours).
- Workshop on statestical analysis (SPSS), Zagazig University, (31 January- 1 Febrary 2017) (15 hours).
- Workshop on job ethics and beheviars for university collegues, Zagazig University, (7- 8 Febrary 2017) (15 hours).
- Workshop on international publications for scientific researches, Zagazig University, (12- 13 Febrary 2017) (15 hours).
- Workshop on Strategic planing for higher education institutes, National Authotity for Quility Assurance and Acredetation in Education, 16- 17 Febrary 2017 (10 hours).
- Workshop course on Writing and publishing a research article by Knowlegde E in coperation with Egyptian Knowledge Bank in the medical militry academy, Cairo, Egypt, 11-12 March 2017.
- Quility management workshop, Faculty of Medecine, Zagazi University, 14-15 May 2017.
- Speaker in the pligarism workshop, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, 24 May 2017.
- Speaker in the pligarism workshop, Al-Ahrar teaching Hospital, 26 July 2017.
- Speaker in the vertigo worksop, Al-Aahrar teaching hospital, 5 October 2017.
- Speaker in the obstructive sleep apnea worksop, Hhia general hospital, 12 October 2017.
Speaker and instructor in the workshop of sleep apnea and coblation in ENT surgery, organized by better hearing society and learn program, and accredited by British Academy of Continous Medical Education, conducted at National Training Institute, 20-21 December, 2018, Cairo Egypt.
Conferences attended:
- The 10th Scientific Meeting in association with the Egyptian Society of Surgical Oncology, on 30 November-1 December 2006 at Port Said.
- The 7th international Saudi ORL society & the 8th international GCC ORL society conference (2-5 March 2009).
- The 18th National Saudi ORL society symposium (5-6 May 2009).
- The 2nd Scientific Meeting titled as "Management of head and neck tumors: Update" on 28-30 November 2007 at Zagazig-Portsaid. The international conference of department of ORL, Head &Neck Surgery faculty of medicine, Zagazig university in collaboration with Delta Society of Otorhinolaryngologiy (Jan 2011).
- The international conference of department of ORL, Head &Neck Surgery faculty of medicine, Zagazig university in collaboration with Delta Society of Otorhinolaryngologiy (Jan 2012).
- First annual conference of specialized units (role of specialized units in community service) faculty of medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt. (8 March 2012).
- Speaker in the conference of the faculty of medicine, Zagazig University, 12-13 March 2012.
- The scientific meeting of Ophthalmology department faculty of medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt (12 April 2012).
- The conference of Dental department, Zagazig University hospitals, Egypt. (2012).
- The conference of vascular unit, General surgery department, faculty of medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt (May 2012).
- The conference of Interventional radiology unit, Radiology department, faculty of medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt (June 2012).
- Speaker in 18th Annual Conference on the Diseases of the Nose & Paranasal Sinuses, in partnership with: The Egyptian ORL Society & the Pan Arab Rhinology Society (PARS), November 14 - 16, 2012.
- The otology of the Nile meeting 26-28 December 2012.
- The first annual conference of Zagazig medical scientific research council, (10 January 2013).
- Speaker, Two posters presentation and Chairman of sessions 3 and 4 in the international conference of the Delta Society of Otorhinolaryngologiy in collaboration with the Tunisian Society of Otorhinolaryngologiy. (17-19 Jan 2013).
- Nanotechnology and Nano medicine first conference of biochemistry department and central scientific research laboratory, faculty of medicine, Zagazig University in collaboration with the biophysics department, Faculty of science, Cairo university (13 February 2013).
- Head of organizing team of the first conference of Zagazig University hospitals, June 3, 2013.
- Speaker in 19th Annual Conference of the Egyptian ORL Society June 20 - 21, 2013.
- Otoalex Conference September 25- 27, 2013.
- The otology of the Nile meeting December 2013.
- Speaker and two posters presentation in the international conference of the Delta Society of Otorhinolaryngologiy in collaboration with RhinoAlex. (30 January – 1 February 2014).
- The better hearing society meeting on cochlear implant in arab world at 3 February 2014.
- Attendance and three posters presentation 20th Annual Conference of the Egyptian ORL Society (Rhino Egypt) March 19 - 21, 2014. accredeted by the American association of continunig medical education for physician.
- Speaker in British society for endocrinology sponsered seminars and third annual Egyption thyroid group meeting (thyroid disorders and womans health), faculty of medicine, Zagazig University, 8 may, 2014.
- Speaker in the 25th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society, in conjunction with the 32nd International Symposium on Infection and Allergy of the Nose (ERS-ISIAN 2014), which was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 22-26, 2014.
- The 1st International Online Biological Congress (OIBC 2014); 28 August - 3 September, 2014.
- Speaker in otoalex, 10- 13- September 2014, accredeted by the American association of continunig medical education for physician.
- Speaker in head and neck surgery conference (EGORL); 30 October 2014.
- Our paper; Endoscopically Removed Middle Turbinate Osteoma; Case Report and Literature Review orally presented in 33rd ISIAN-15th IRS- 5th PARS, november 2014.
- The Otology on the Nile meeting 18-19 December 2014.
- Speaker in the 7th International Conference of Delta Society of OtoRhinoLaryngology (DSORL) In Collaboration with ORL-HNS Department, Tanta University, 29-31 Jan 2015.
- Speaker in RhinoEgypt conference 19-21 Febrary 2015 (chosen as the best oral presentation). accredeted by the American association of continunig medical education for physician.
- Speaker in first Ain Shams ORL academy meeting; 3-5 June 2015.
- Speaker in otoalex, 2- 4- September 2015, accredeted by the American association of continunig medical education for physician..
- Panelist in panel discusion sesion of future in otology and audiology in otology of the Nile conference, 17-18 December 2015, accredeted by the American association of continunig medical education for physician.
- 1st educational conference of Vascular Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University in collabration with Sharqia health directorate (management of vascular trauma), 14 January 2016.
- Speaker in the 9th International Conference of Delta Society of OtoRhinoLaryngology (DSORL) In Collaboration with ORL-HNS Department, Mansoura University, 28-30 Jan 2016.
- 16th Zagazig annual cardiology conference, 4 Febrary 2016.
- The second annual conference of psychiatric department, Zagazig University, 3 March 2016.
- Speaker in RhinoEgypt conference 17-19 March 2016 accredeted by the American association of continunig medical education.
- Zagazig audio-vestibular medecine unit instruction course (the art of audio-vestibular rehabilitation), 28 April, 2016.
- Speaker in German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery for its 87th Annual Meeting, 4th May - 7th May 2016, Düsseldorf (Germany).
- Speaker in Otoalex conference 31 Augost- 2 September, 2016.
- Modulater and Speaker of the maxillofacial fractures instruction course in the 2nd Ain Shams ORL academy meeting; 5-7 October 2016.
- RhinoEgypt Ismailia scientific meeting, 13 October 2016.
- Speaker in 7th Assuit conference of Otorhinolaryngology 1- 4 December 2016.
- Speaker in the otology of the Nile conference, 13-16 December 2016. Accredeted by the American association of continunig medical education.
- Speaker in the 10th International Combined Conference of Delta Society of OtoRhinoLaryngology(DSORL) In Collaboration with ORL-HNS Department, Tanta University(ORL-HNS,TU) ORL-HNS Department, Banha University(ORL-HNS,BU) ORL-HNS Department, Suez Canal University(ORLHNS,SCU), 26-28 January, 2017.
- Speaker in 23 ed RhinoEgypt. 9-11 March 2017 accredeted by the American association of continunig medical education (26.5 h).
- Speaker in the Mansoura international sleep surgery conference, incooperation with MORL & Banglaish Academy of ORL, 15- 17 March 2017.
- Speaker in the 5th annual Egyptian thyroid group meeting, 18 May 2017
- Our work; Myringoplasty using fat and Platelet rich plasma, preliminary study for a new procedure was presented in the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery for its 88th Annual Meeting, May 2017, Germany.
- Two of our works; New L shapef flap for velopharyngeal insufeciency and New simple suspension sutures for obstructive sleep apnea were selected to be presented in IFOS (ENT world congressfor), Paris, 24-28 June 2017.
- Speaker in the 12 international forum of ENT forum for middle delta, 32- 23 Septmber 2017.
- Speaker and instructor in Zagazig sleep surgery conference, in colebration with Egyptian rhinology society (ERS), 7-9 December 2017.
- Instructor in the 1st onco-microsurgery workshop, Zagazig, 17-20 December 2017.
- Speaker in the otology of the Nile conference, 28-29 December 2017. Accredeted by the American association of continunig medical education.
- Speaker in the first Egyptian international congress of sleep surgery, Alexandria, 4-5 January 2018.
- Speaker in the 24th Rhino Egypt 9th Pan Arab Rhinology Society (PARS) meeting 8-10 March 2018, accredeted by the Europian accreditation council for continuing medical education (EACCME) American association of continunig medical education (12 h).
- Speaker in the 13th ORL military conference, 12- 14 April 2018.
- RhinoAlex, 17- 19 October 2018.
- Speaker in the 12ve International Conference of Delta Society of OtoRhinoLaryngology (DSORL) In Collaboration with Eurasian Fedration of Oncology (EAFO), Russa & Eurasian Society of Head & Neck Surgery, India, 31 Jan- 2 Feb 2019.
- Speaker in the 25th Rhino Egypt 9th Pan Arab Rhinology Society (PARS) meeting 7-9 March 2019, accredeted by the Europian accreditation council for continuing medical education (EACCME) American association of continunig medical education (20 h).
Speaker in Dizziness symposium, 20 November 2019, Riyadh, accredeted by the Saudia comission of health spesialities (6 CME hours).
- Awarded as best international publisher in medical sciences for 2013 international researches, Zagaig University, 28 July 2015.
- Awarded as one of the three best oral presentation in RhinoEgypt conference 19-21 Febrary 2015. accredeted by the American association of continunig medical education for physician.
- Awarded as head of organizing team of the first conference of Zagazig University hospitals, June 3, 2013.
- Awarded as the best poster in in the international conference of the Delta Society of Otorhinolaryngologiy in collaboration with RhinoAlex (30 January – 1 February 2014).
- Awarded as head of organizing comitee of the first integrated cadaveric disection courses, Zagazig ORL department 29 july to 13 August 2015.
- Awarded for my high ranked international publication at 2015 from Zagazig University.
- Awarded for the Travelling Grant from the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery for its 87th Annual Meeting, 4th May - 7th May 2016, Düsseldorf (Germany).
- Chosen as Panelist in panel discusion sesion of future in tology and audiology in otology of the Nile conference, 17- 18- December 2015, accredeted by the American association of continunig medical education for physician.
- Chosen as associate editor in the Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology (EGO) 2015, 2016.
- Chosed as managing editor in the Zagazig University medical journal 2015- 2018 then associate edidor for ORL in same journal since 2018 then associate editor of ORL till now.
- Awarded as a head of the course, general coordinator, instructor and speaker in the first maxillofacial dissection course, 1st Egyptian dissection program for ENT (EDPENT), In cooperation with international reference and development surgical Lepzing (IRDC, Germany) and KAR hospital and research institue (India). Accredited by the British acadamy of continuing medical education, 21-22 January 2016.
- Awarded as a director, instructor and speaker in the second maxillofacial cadaveric dissection course and first obstructive sleep apnea course, 2nd Egyptian dissection program for ENT (EDPENT), In coopeperation with ear nose and throat patient care society (ENTPCS). Accredited by the British acadamy of continuing medical education, 12-14 May 2016 Military medical academy, Cairo.
- Awarded as a Head of organizing team, member of scientific committee, speaker and instructor in the second integrated disection courses, Zagazig ORL department 15 to 31 july 2016.
- Awarded for my efforts as organizer and scientific committee member of the Zagazig ORL obstructive sleep apnea day, Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. In cooperation with the Egyptian Society of Otorhinolaryngology and sleep disordered breathing unit, Chest department, Zagazig University. 8 December 2016.
- Awarded for my high ranked international publicatios of 2016 from Zagazi University.
- Two of my works; New L shapef lap for velopharyngeal insufeciency and New simple suspension sutures for obstructive sleep apnea were selected to be presented in IFOS (ENT world congressfor), Paris, 24-28 June 2017.
- Reviewer Award; one of the top 25 reviewer of the year 2016 for International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology.
- My poster was chosed as best poster award in the Otoalex congress. 27 -29 September 2017.
- Awarded for my ranked international publicatios of 2017 from Zagazi University.
- My poster was chosen as one of the best three posters in the 11th International Combined Conference of Delta Society of OtoRhinoLaryngology(DSORL), 25-27 January, 2018.
- Our research (Lamina papyracea position in patients with nasal polypi: A computed tomography analysis) was chosen as the best international research in the 24th Rhino Egypt 9th Pan Arab Rhinology Society (PARS) meeting 8-10 March 2018, accredeted by the Europian accreditation council for continuing medical education (EACCME) American association of continunig medical education (12 h).
Published papers:
- Talaat M, Abdel-Shakour K, Hamed A, El-Anwar MW, El-Kashishy K, Radwan H. Fine needle aspiration cytology versus frozen section biobsy in manangement of throid nodules. Medical Journal of Zagazig University 2011; 17(14): 5-10.
- Amer HS, El-Anwar MW, Abd mnaem G. Correlation between endoscopic and radiological grading for assessement of choanal adenoid. Journal of Al-azhar medical faculty (girls) 2011 September; 31 (3).
- El-Anwar MW, Ibrahim WM, Abdel Salam SM, Saleh SHA, Zeidan MA, Enaba MA. Glasgow coma scale, brain computerized tomography and neurophysiological methods as prognostic factors of pediatric coma. J Neurol Neurophysiol 2012, 3:1.
- El-Ahla MAS, El-Anwar MW, Amer HS, Quriba AS. Screw nail medialization of arytenoid in unilateral adductor vocal cord paralysis: A new office procedure. Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences 2012; 13(1): 49-53.
- El-Ahla MAS, El-Anwar MW. Stentless endoscopic transnasal repair of bilateral choanal atresia starting with resection of vomer. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2012; 76: 1002–1006..
- Gouda MI, El-Anwar MW, Hosny SM, Atfy M. Telomerase activity detection in cholesteatoma. Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences (2013) 14, 7–10.
- Mohamed NN, Sorour SS, El-Anwar MW, Quriba AS, Mahdy MA. Comparison between laser- and diathermy-assisted posterior cordotomy for bilateral vocal cord abductor paralysis. JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2013; 139(9): 923-30.
- El-Ahla MAS, Amer HS, El-Anwar MW. Simultaneous bilateral myringoplasty as a single-stage operation. Egyptian journal of otolaryngology 2013, 29:16–19.
- Elsheikh E, Elanwar MW, Abdel-aziz HR. Simultaneous laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma and thyroid carcinoma in the contralateral lobe of a nonsmoker woman. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology 2013; 29(3): 207-208.
- Elsheikh E, El-Anwar MW. Septal perforation and bilateral middle turbinate necrosis after bilateral sphenopalatine artery ligation. Journal of Laryngology Otolology 2013 Oct;127(10):1025-7.
- Herzallah IR, Askar SM, Amer HS, Ahmed AF, El-Anwar MW, Eesa MH. Olfactory Bulb Volume Changes in Patients with Sinonasal Polyposis: A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013 Apr;148(4):689-93.
- El-Anwar MW, Almassry HN, Elfikib I, Abdulmonaem G. Frontal sinus outflow tract evaluation by sagital computed tomography in frontal sinus fracture. The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 2013: 44(2): 209-213.
- Ragheb AS, El-gerby K, Ahmed AF, El-Anwar MW, Abd-elmnaem G. Conventional endoscopy versus virtual laryngoscopy in assessment of laryngeal lesions. The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 2013; 44(3): 497–503.
- El-Anwar MW, Elsayed H, Khater A, Nada E. Audiological findings in children with chronic renal failure on regular hemodialysis. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology 2013:29(3): 182-188.
- Elnashar I, El-Anwar MW, Basha WM, AlShawadfy M. Objective assessment of endoscopy assisted adenoidectomy. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2014 Aug;78 (8):1239-42.
- Abde Elfataha MKA, El-Anwar MW, Quriba AS. Early functional outcome of two surgical protocols used in the repair of complete unilateral cleft lip palate: a comparative study. Annals of Pediatric Surgery 2014; 10(4): 99- 106.
- Ragheb AS, Mohammed FF, El-Anwar MW. Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea: Diagnostic role of gadolinium enhanced MR cisternography. Egyptian Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 2014; 45(3): 841–847 .
- El-Anwar MW, Orabi T. Endoscopically removed middle turbinate osteoma; case report and literature review. Advances in Life Sciences and Health 2014;1(1) 19-23.
- Ibrahim SB, El-Sokkary RH, Elhewala AA, El-Anwar MW, Awad WM, Hamed AM, Badawy II. Emerging resistance to erythromycin and penicillin among streptococcus pyogenes isolates in Zagazig, Egypt. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol. App.Sci 2014; 3(10): 750-756.
- Elnashar I, El-Anwar MW, Raafat A, Aesa E, Fathy S. Insulin-like growth factor alpha changes after tonsillectomy for obstructive and nonobstructive causes. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology 2014; 30:343–346.
- Goda MI, El-Anwar MW, Elnashar I, Gumaa E. Oropharyngeal packing for resistant post-tonsillectomy bleeding. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology 2014; 30:347–350.
- Hosny S, El-Anwar MW, Abd-Elhady M, Khazbak A, El Feky A. Outcomes of myringoplasty in wet and dry ears. International Advanced Otology 2014; 10(3): 256-9.
- El-Anwar MW, Elsheikh E, Elnashar I. Petrous ridge meningioma detection in a patient treated for cancer tongue. Otorhinolaryngology Clinics: An International Journal 2014; 6(3): 127-129.
- El-Anwar MW, Amer HS, Herzallah IR, El-gerby. assesment of laryngeal ultrasound feasibility in evaluating subglottic stenosis. Medical Journal of Cairo University 2014; 82 (2): December: 33-37.
- El-Anwar MW, Amer HS, Elnashar I, Askar SM, Ahmed AF. 5 years follow up after transnasal endoscopic surgery of Thornwaldt's cyst with powered instrumentation. Auris Nasus Larynx 2015; 42(1):29-33.
- Mobashir MK, Mohamed AS, El-Anwar MW, El Sayed AE, Fouad MA. Massive Plexiform Neurofibroma of the Neck and Larynx. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2015;19:349–353.
- Elnashar I, El-Anwar MW, Amer H, Quriba A. Voice outcome after Gore-Tex medialization thyroplasty. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2015 Jul;19(3):248-54.
Elsheikh E, El-Anwar MW, Abdel-aziz HR, Mohamed AF, Annany A. Choanal atresia: histochemical, imunohistochemical and ultrastructure study of the nasal mucosa. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2015; 79(2): 170-174.
- El-Anwar MW, Amer HS, Elnashar I, Khazbak AO, Khater A. Effect of central inset pharyngeal flap for velopharyngeal insufficiency on eustachian tube function. Laryngoscope 2015 Jul; 125(7): 1729-32.
- Askar SM, Elnashar IS, El-Anwar MW, Amer HS, El Shawadfy MA, Hosny SM, Bazeed MF, Ahmed AF, Ghanem MA. Ipsilateral reduced olfactory bulb volume in patients with unilateral nasal obstruction. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015 May;152(5):959-63.
- El-Anwar MW, Hamed AA, Mohamed AS, Nofal AA, Mohamed MA, Abdel-Aziz HR. Surfactant protein A expression in chronic rhinosinusitis and atrophic rhinitis. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2015;19:130–134.
- El-Anwar MW, Nofal AA, Khazbak AO, El Sayed A AE, Hassan MR. The efficacy of nasal steroids in treatment of otitis media with effusion: A comparative study. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2015;19:298–301 .
- El-Anwar MW, Mostafa K, Abd-Elsamad A. Levobupivacaine alone versus levobupivacaine plus magnesium infiltration for post-tonsillectomy analgesia. International Journal of Pharmacology 05/2015; 11(5): 1-6.
- El-Anwar MW, Elsheikh E. Isolated osteoma of the ascending process of the maxilla. J Craniofac Surg. 2015 Jun; 26(4): 317-9.
- El-Anwar MW, El-Ahl MA, Zidan AA, Yacoup MA. Topical use of autologous platelet rich plasma in myringoplasty. Auris, Nasus, Larynx 2015, 42 (5):365-368.
- El-Anwar MW, El-Ahl MAS, Amer HS. Open reduction and internal fixation of mandibular fracture without rigid maxillomandibular fixation. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngoly 2015;19:314–318.
- El-Anwar M, Sweed A. Conchal lipoma: a new lipoma site. International Advanced Otology 2015; 11: 92-94.
- El-Anwar MW, Elsheikh E, Sweed AH, Ezzeldin N. Electromyography assessment in zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2015 Dec;19(4):375-9.
- Sweed AH, El-Anwar MW. Helical lipoma in adult female. Indian journal of otology 2015; 21:302- 5.
- El-Anwar MW, El-Aassar AS, El-Sayed H. Myringosclerosis in children with chronic renal failure on regular hemodialysis. Indian journal of otology 2015;21:238-42.
- Soliman Z, Hosny SM, El-Anwar MW, Quriba A. Laryngeal compensation for voice production after CO2 laser cordectomy. Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology 2015; 8(4):402- 408.
- El-Anwar MW, Nofal AA. Thyroglossal duct cyst excision with hyoid bone preservation. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016 Jun; 273(6): 1521-6.
- Nofal AA, El-Anwar MW. Recurrent laryngeal nerve identification in thyroidectomy by intra-operative staining with methylene blue in forty six patients. Clinical Otolaryngology 2016 Jun;41(3):296-9.
- El-Anwar MW, ElAassar AS, Foad YA. Non-mastoidectomy cochlear implant approaches: a literature review. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2016;20: 180–184.
- El-Anwar MW, Hegab A. Internal fixation of single mandibular fracture under mandibular nerve block. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2016; 20 (1): 57-61.
- Amer HS, El-Anwar MW, Elfeky AE. The efficacy of djuvant intratympanic steroid treatment for otitis media with effusion in children. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2016; 20(03): 244-247.
- ELBadawy NE, Meawed T, El-Anwar MW. Laboratory approach for detection of non-invasive fungal rhinosinusitis: a case-control study. International Arabic Journal of Antimicrobial Agents January 2016; Vol. 6 No. 1:2.
- Elsheikh E, Quriba AS, El-Anwar MW. Voice changes after late recurrent laryngeal nerve identification thyroidectomy. Journal of Voice 2016 Nov; 30(6):762-762.
- Elsheikh E, El-Anwar MW. False computed tomography findings in bilateral choanal atresia. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2016;20: 163–165.
- Elsheikh E, El-Anwar MW. Posterior pharyngeal flap for velopharyngeal insufficiency patients: a new L shaped flap. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2016; 27 (1): 204–208.
- El-Anwar MW, Abdelmonem S, Abdelsameea AA, AlShawadfy M, El-Kashishy K. The effect of propolis on healing of injured nasal mucosa: An experimental study. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology. 2016 Jul; 20(3): 222–225.
- El-Anwar MW, Abd-Elhady M, Amer HS. Early and delayed effect of functional endoscopic sinus surgery on intraocular pressure. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2016 Oct; 20(4): 359–363.
- El-Anwar MW, Nofal AA, Khalifa M, Quriba AS. Use of autologous platelet-rich plasma in complete cleft palate repair. Laryngoscope 2016 Jul;126(7):1524-8.
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- Abdeltawwab MM, Khater A, El-Anwar MW. Contralateral bimodal stimulation: a way to enhance speech performance in arabic-speaking cochlear implant patients. ORL 2016; 78(3):126-135.
- El-Anwar MW, ElAassar AS. Supraauricular versus sinectomy approaches for preauricular sinuses. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2016 Oct; 20(4): 390–393.
- El-Anwar MW, Nofal AA, El-Ahl MAS. Endoscopic repair of bilateral choanal atresia starting with vomer resection; evaluation study. American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy 2016; 30(3): 95-9.
- El-Anwar MW, Abdelmonem S, Nada E, Galhoom D, Abdelsameea AA. Cilostazol effect on amikacin-induced ototoxicity: an experimental study. Audiol Neurotol 2016; 21(4): 250-253.
- El-Anwar MW, Amer HS, Ahmed AF. Relation of lower last molar teeth to mandibular fractures. Journal of craniofacial surgery 2016 Oct;27(7): 713- 716..
- El-Anwar MW, Sweed AH, Abdulmonaem G. Mental foramen relation to mandibular fracture; operative and radiological study. Journal of craniofacial surgery Nov 2016; 27 (8): 743–745.
- El-Ahl MA, El-Anwar MW. Expansion pharyngoplasty by new simple suspension sutures without tonsillectomy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2016; 155(6): 1065–1068.
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- El-Anwar MW, Nofal AA, El Shawadfy M, Maaty A, Khazbak AO. Tracheostomy in the intensive care unit: a university hospital in a developing country study. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2017;21:33–37.
- Riad HA, Abd El-Rahman H, Abdel Latif SM, Fawzy AAM, El-Anwar MW. Dynamic characteristics of middle ear after stapes surgery: distortion product otoacoustic emission study. Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology (EGO) 2017; 33(1): 1- 4.
- El-Anwar MW, Abd elbary AE, Saber IM. Silver cauterization: an office procedure for repair of small tympanic membrane perforation. indian journal of otology 2017; 23 (1): 17- 20.
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El-Anwar MW, Hamed AA, Abdulmonaem G, Elnashar I. Elfiki IM. Computed tomography measurement of inferior turbinate in asymptomatic adult. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2017 Oct; 21(4): 366–370.
- EL-Gerby KM, El-Anwar MW. Differentiating benign from malignant sinonasal lesions: feasibility of diffusion weighted MRI. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2017 Oct;21(4):358-365.
- Khater A, El-Anwar MW. Methods of hearing preservation during cochlear implantation. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2017; 21: 297–301.
- El-Anwar MW, Sweed AH. Simple percutaneous transbuccal approach for management of mandibular angular fracture. Journal of craniofacial surgery 2017; 28 (4): 1035–1037.
- El-Anwar MW, Hamed AA, Elnashar I, Elfiki IM, Ahmed AF, Abdulmonaem G. Normal nasopharyngeal measurement by computed tomography in adult. Journal of craniofacial surgery 2017 Jun;28(4):e395-e398.
- Elsheikh E, El-Anwar MW, Abdel-aziz HR. Impact of successful choanal atresia repair on the nasal mucosa; a preliminary study. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2017;21:276–280.
- El-Anwar MW, Elsheikh E, Hussein AM, Tantawy AA, Abdelbaki YM. Subciliary versus transconjuctival approach during repair of zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2017 Jun;21(2):187-192.
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- Hussein S, Mosaad H, Rashed HE, El-Anwar MW. Up-regulated miR-221 expression as a molecular diagnostic marker in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma and its correlation with Apaf-1 expression. Cancer Biomarkers 2017
- El-Anwar MW, ElAassar AS. Effect of postauricular sulcus incision for myringoplasty on auricle protrusion: 5 years’ experience. Indian journal of otology 2017; 23(2): 71- 73.
- Amer HS, El-Anwar MW, Abdelhady M, Abdulmonaem G, Elgerby KM. Effect of mastoid pneumatization on myringoplsty success: a radiological study. Indian journal of otology 2017; 23(2): 105- 107.
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- Foad YA, ElAssar AS, El-Anwar MW. Role of multi-slice CT imaging in predicting the visibility of the round window in pediatric cochlear implantation. Otology & Neurotology journal 2017 Sep; 38(8):1097-1103
- El-Anwar MW, Elnashar I, Foad YA. Platelet rich plasma myringoplasty: a new office procedure for repair of small tympanic membrane perforation. Ear Nose Throat journal 2017 Aug; 96(8):312-326..
- El-Anwar MW, Nofal AA, ElMalt A. Surgicel use in control of primary post-adenoidectomy bleeding. Ear Nose Throat journal 2017 Sep; 96(9):372-375.
- El-Anwar MW, Abdelmonem S, Nada E, Galhoom D, Abdelsameea AA. Protective effect of pentoxifylline on amikacin-induced ototoxicity. Ear Nose Throat Journal .
- Askar SM, El-Anwar MW, Amer HZ, Awad A. Single triangular suture: a modified technique for hyoid suspension as a treatment for obstructive sleep apnea: our experience with twenty four patients. Clinical Otolaryngology 2017; 42(6): 1418-1421.
- El-Anwar MW, Salah M. Basal cell carcinoma of the auricular concha. Indian journal of otology 2017:
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- El-Anwar MW, Elsheikh E, Askar S. Single stage repair of palatal fistula and velopharyngeal incompetence by the new L flap. Journal of craniofacial surgery 2018; 29(1): e70-e73
- El-Anwar MW. Changing trends in the treatment of mandibular racture. International archives of otorhinolaryngology 2018 Jul; 22(3): 195–196.
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- Askar SM, El-Anwar MW. Double suspension sutures: a simple surgical technique for selected cases of obstructive sleep apnoea: Our experience with twenty-two patients. Clin Otolaryngol 2018 Apr; 43(2): 753-757.
- El-Anwar MW, Sweed AH. Infraorbital foramen localization in orbitozygomatic fractures: a ct study with intraoperative finding. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2018 Mar; 275(3): 809- 813.
- El-Anwar MW, Khazbak AO, Eldib DB, Algazzar HY. Lamina papyracea position in patients with nasal polypi: A computed tomography analysis. Auris Nasus Larynx 2018; 45 (3): 487-491.
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- Khamis MEM, Ahmed AFIsmail EI, Bayomy MF, El-Anwar MW. The diagnostic efficacy of apparent diffusion coefficient value and Choline/Creatine ratio in differentiation between parotid gland tumors. The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 2018; 49(2): 358-367.
- Askar SM, El-Anwar MW, Awad A. Modified anterior palatoplasty and double suspension sutures (with or without tonsillectomy) in selected patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a preliminary report. Sleep Breath. 2018 Sep; 22(3): 789-795.
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- El-Anwar MW, Salah M, Abdulmonaem M. C-arm-assisted internal fixation of pediatric mandibular fracture. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology 2018; 34 (2), 122.
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- Elsheikh E, El-Anwar MW. Soft palate bi-pedicle flaps: a modification of VY repair of cleft soft palate. Clin Otolaryngol. 2019 May;44(3):442-446.
- Askar S, El-Anwar MW, Awad A. Expansion hyoidthyroidpexy: combined hyoid surgery techniques for obstructive sleep apnea: all in one. Otolaryngology– Head and Neck Surgery 2019; 160(2) 355–358.
- El-Anwar MW, Askar S, El-Sinbawy AH, Salem AMH. Single versus double suspension sutures for selected cases of obstructive sleep apnea. Auris Nasus Larynx 2019; 46: 754–757
- Emara TA, El-Anwar MW, Omara TA, Anany A, Elawa IA, Rabea MM. Submental intubation versus tracheostomy in maxillofacial fractures. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2019
- El-Anwar MW, Askar S. Hyoid periosteum sutures: a modified tissue-preserving hyoid suspension technique for obstructive sleep apnea. J Craniofac Surg 2019; 30(3):e231-e233
- El-Anwar MW, Elnashar I, Elsheikh E. Nasopharyngeal cavernous hemangioma: an approach to remove. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology 2019, 35:222–226.
- Merwad EA, AbdElftah MM, Abdelmonem S, Hasan EM, El-Anwar MW. Subepithelial hydrodissection improves voice outcome of microflap surgery for vocal cord cyst. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology 2019; 35 (1): 51-55.
- El-Anwar MW, AbdElbary ME, Saber IM, Elshora ME, Hosny SM. Topical silver nitrate application during myringoplasty for large tympanic membrane perforation. Indian J Otol 2019
- El-Anwar MW, Eldib DB, Elmalt A, Khazbak AO. Supratubal recess and sinus tympani: CT analysis of middle ear hidden areas. Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 2019; 50:49.
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- El-Anwar MW. Platelet Rich Plasma Enhances Myringoplaey Success. EJMO 2020;4(1):102–103
El-Anwar MW. Khazbak AO, Eldib DB, Anterior ethmoidal artery: a computed tomography analysis and new classifications. Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part B: Skull Base 2020