Editor in Chief Profile

Francesco Asprea, of Ilario and Teresa Falcone was born in Melito Porto Salvo on 09/06/1964. After completing his studies up to the classical high school diploma, obtained with the highest marks at the "Ivo Oliveti" Classical High School in Locri, he enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Messina in the academic year 1983/84. He is an internal student at the First Chair of Medical Pathology in the academic year 1986/1987 and at the Policattedra Institute of Otolaryngology of the University Hospital in the academic years 1987/88 and 1988/89. Scholarship for merit of the Opera Universitaria in the academic years 1985/86 1986/87 and 1988/89.
He graduated in Medicine and Surgery on 18/07/1989 with full marks and academic honors, discussing a thesis "On the prognostic evaluation of laryngeal carcinoma. Morphometric techniques."
He qualified for professional practice in 1989 at the University of Messina and enrolled in the register of the Medical Association of Reggio Calabria starting from 01/30/1990
In the academic year 1989/90 he took part in the competition for admission to the Otolaryngology specialization school at the University of Messina, ranking first in the list of suitable candidates; he was consequently awarded a scholarship of merit for the attendance of the four years of specialization in Otolaryngology, which he obtained on 27/10/1993 with a 50/50 vote and honors, discussing a thesis on "Surgical therapy of laryngeal carcinoma".
In the academic year 1993/94 he participated in the admission competition to the specialization school in Audiology at the University of Messina, ranking first in the list of suitable candidates.
He obtained, on 27/10/1997, his specialization in Audiology with a 50/50 mark and honors, discussing a thesis "On the treatment of benign positional vertigo by vestibular re-education".
He conceived and chaired the Oncological Pathology Course of the Neck, annually, now in its sixth edition in 2019 and the Rhinology Course now in its third edition in 2020. Author of 37 scientific publications on the ENT topic, two of which have been awarded scientific prizes at specialist conferences. Author of the book "Neck swelling in children" Phasar publishing house, Florence
Main research topics are nasal and paranasal sinus surgery, nasal polyposis, vertigo pathology, topical endonasal therapy, ENCO management of blood and coagulation diseases, neck cancer, neck swelling in children, topic object of the recently published book of the same name
Since August 1991 he has been serving as a continuity care doctor and as a substitute for general medicine at the ASL n ° 9 in Locri.
• From 01/11/1994 to 26/01/1996 he attended the compulsory Internship in General Medicine (referred to in the decree of the Ministry of Health of 09/10/1993).
• Since 29/01/1996 he is the owner of continuity of care at the ASL n ° 5 of Crotone, with subsequent transfer to the ASL n ° 9 of Locri starting from 25/10/1996.
• In the year 1994-1995 he taught Otolaryngology at the Professional Nursing School of the ASL No. 9 in Locri.
From 12/07/1995 to 02/12/1995 and from 10/06/1996 to 21/10/1996, from May 2008 to November 2008 and from May 2009 to October 2009, he works as an otolaryngologist specialist at the Thermal Consortium Antonimina-Locri.
• From 05/06/1998 to 31/07/1998 he serves, as winner of a public notice, as Medical Director at the Otolaryngology Division of the Locri Civil Hospital.
• From 01/05/1991 to 31/01/2008 he worked as Assistant of the Otorhinolaryngology Functional Unit of the "Villa Michelino" Nursing Home in Lamezia Terme carrying out approximately 1500 surgical interventions as first operator.
From 01/03/2001 to 12/31/2016, he provides a free-professional relationship service at the San Camillo Nursing Home in Messina, Otorhinolaryngology Functional Unit, where he mainly deals with surgical activity having hitherto performed at this facility about 3500 interventions concerning all the areas of ENT competence.
• Since 19/09/2016 he has been serving as Head of the Otolaryngology Functional Unit at the C.O.T. of Messina.
Since September 2016 he has been serving as a consultant surgeon for head-neck oncology at the Marrelli Hospital in Crotone.
• Since November 2016 he has been serving as head and neck surgeon at the Functional Unit of General Surgery of the Villa Sant’Anna Clinic in Reggio Calabria directed by Prof. Casella
The surgical activity carried out from 1999 to today concerns all the areas of ENT competence and has resulted in about six thousand surgical operations concerning pediatric ENT surgery, nasal and endoscopic surgery of the paranasal sinuses, nasal, pharyngeal and laryngeal LASER surgery, ear microsurgery and larynx with sound surgery, surgery for rhonchopathy, oncological surgery of ENT districts, neck and salivary gland surgery with a predominantly oncological orientation.

Scientific works
1. Immunità cellulare e poliposi nasale – Francesco Asprea,Bruno Galletti,Antonino Emanuele,Giovanni Fera. La Nuova Clinica Otorinolaringoiatria,XLV,83,1993.
2. Valutazione delle resistenze respiratorie nasali mediante rinomanometria posizionale in soggetti con rinite allergica – Bruno Galletti,Francesco Asprea,Assunta Caparra;giovanni Fera . La Nuova Clinica Otorinolaringoiatria,XLV,89,1993.
3. Noduli e polipi delle corde vocali:revisione della nostra casistica videoendoscopica – Bruno Galletti,Francesco asprea,Giovanni Fera,Angelo Platania,Sandro gazia,Antonino Emanuele. La Nuova Clinica Otorinolaringoiatria, XLV,157,1993.
4. Studio comparativo sull’efficacia di alcuni vasocostrittori nasali mediante rinomanometria anteriore attiva – Francesco Asprea, Assunta Caparra, Bruno Galletti, Antonio Cartisano, Giovanni Fera, Caterina Catalano. La Nuova Clinica Otorinolaringoiatria,XLV,171,1993.
5. Su un caso di morbo di Fahr idiomatico con prevalente sintomatologia vertiginosa – Bruno Galletti, Francesco Asprea, Calogero Avarello,Antonio Cartisano,Caterina Catalano,Giuseppe Lotta. La Nuova Clinica Otorinolaringoiatria,XLV,209,1993.
6. Sobre el empleo de tecnicas morfometricas en la valoracion pronostica de las lesiones neoplasicas laringeas – B. Galletti, F. Asprea, F. Freni, S. Gazia, A. Emanuele . O.R.L. DIPS,n°4 Julio-Agosto 1993.
7. Aspetti clinici,batteriologici,ed immunologici della tonsillite acuta in età pediatrica: nostre esperienze – A. Radici, A. Gismondo velardi, F. Asprea, B. Galletti. L’Otorinolaringologia pediatrica,anno,IV,numero3,luglio-settembre 1993.
8. Metodiche endoscopiche nella diagnostica delle lesioni laringee – Bruno Galletti, Giuseppe Lotta, Calogero Avarello,Giovanni Fera,Francesco Asprea,Antonino Gismondo Velardi. La Nuova Clinica Otorinolaringoiatria,XLVI,23,1994.
9. Su un caso di sindrome vertiginosa in una paziente affetta da Malattia di Sturge-Weber-Krabbe – Bruno Galletti, Francesco Asprea, Antonino Emanuele,Calogero Avarello,Angelo Platania,Antonio Cartisano. La Nuova Clinica Otorinolaringoiatrca,XLVI,59,1994.
10. Lesioni precancerose laringee: metodi di valutazione delle potenzialità evolutive – Bruno Galletti, Angelo Platania,Francesco asprea,Antonino Gismondo Velardi, Francesco La Malfa . La Nuova Clinica Otorinolaringoiatria,XLVI,111,1994.
11. La sindrome algido-disfunzionale dell’articolazione temporo-mandibolare (sindrome di Costen): revisione della letteratura e presentazione di casi clinici – Francesco Adprea, Francesco La Malfa,Giovanni Fera,Nunzio Scalasi,Angelo Platania. La Nuova Clinica Otorinolaringoiatria,XLVI,183,1994.
12. Antibioticoterapia orale e parenterale dell’otite esterna diffusa – Francesco Asprea . Rivista Italiana di Medicina e Chirurgia,anno I, vol I, aprile/giugno 1995.
13. Poliposi etmoide-nasale: quale allergia? - Assunta Caparra,Francesco Asprea . Rivista Italiana di Medicina e Chirurgia,anno II, vol I, 1996.
14. Su un caso di ipoacusia improvvisa trattato con terapia antiaggregante – A. Sotira, F. Asprea, A. Caparra . Rivista Italiana di Medicina e Chirurgia,anno II, vol I, 1996.
15. La terapia termale delle flogosi tubotimpaniche subacute e croniche con acque salso-solfato-alcaline – Francesco Asprea . Rivista Italiana di Medicina e Chirurgia,anno II, vol I, 1996.
16. La chirurgia del turbinato inferiore con l’ausilio delle radiofrequenze – F. Asprea ,C. Avarello . Nuove Prospettive in Terapia n° 1/2000
17. Impiego della telitromicina nella terapia dell’otite media acuta nell’adulto – F. Asprea,G. Vinci . Otorinolaringologia,2005,55:73-9.
18. La gestione della chirurgia adenotonsillare in pazienti con problematiche emocoagulative – F. Asprea, G.Vinci, F.Carfì, D.Sinardi –pubblicato su “Argomenti di Otorinolaringoiatria moderna “2009
19. Il ruolo dell’acido ialuronico nel recupero della voce dopo fonochirurgia: risultati preliminari – F. Asprea, F. Carfì, B. Gaudio, G. Vinci Argomenti di Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica , 2014:8(4)1-11
20. Correlation between the reflux finding score and the reflux symptom index in patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2018 Jan-Feb,;32(1 Suppl. 2):29-31.Gelardi M1, Silvestri M2, Ciprandi G3; Relief Study Group: F. Aielli, P. Alessandrini, G. Allosso, S. Angelillo, A. Anni, G. Antoniacomi, S.E. Aragona, A. Armone Caruso, F. Asprea, R. Azzaro, G. Balata, C. Bellini, D. Benedetto, R. Bernardi, M. Buccolieri, G. Caligo, G. Campobasso, F.R. Canevari, A. Cantaffa, A. Capone, S. Carboni, G. Castagna, C. Castellani, I. Clemente, A. Cordier, D. Cossu, M. Costanzo, A. Cugno Garrano, G. Cupido, M. Danteo, C. De Luca, M. Degli Innocenti, A. Dei, G. Denuli, L. Di Bartolo, A. Dolores, S. Falcetti, R. Falciglia, G. Fera, G. Ferraro, O. Fini, F. Giangregorio, F. Grazioli, C. Grillo, M.L. Guiso, F. Ianniello, M. Ierace, F. Ingria, I. La Mantia, G. La Pietra, C. Lambertoni, R. Lauletta, D. Lazzoni, S. Leo, M. Leone, V. Lo Iacono, M. Maio, F.G. Mangiatordi, F. Maniscalco, A. Matricciani, N. Mirra, S.C. Montanaro, P. Montesi, D. Moro, F. Muià, C. Murè, A. Nacci, T. Nipo, A. Pace, G.Panetti, M. Paoletti, G. Pasquarella, I. Pedrotti, A. Pellegrino, D. Petrone, P. Pinto, M.C. Pizzolante, L. Pollastrini, S. Poma, N. Quaranta, G. Reale, S. Rigo, A. Scarpa, F. Scelsi, L. Sellari, E.G. Serraino, G. Spanò, V. Stufano, G. Tomacelli, A. Tombolini and A. Zirone.4.
21. Relieving laryngopharingeral reflux (RELIEF) survey in otolaryngology - II the viewpoint of the patient.Gelardi M1, Silvestri M2, Ciprandi G3; The Relief Study Group: F. Aielli, P. Alessandrini, G. Allosso, S. Angelillo, A. Anni, G. Antoniacomi, S.E. Aragona, A. Armone Caruso, F. Asprea, R. Azzaro, G. Balata, C. Bellini, D. Benedetto, R. Bernardi, M. Buccolieri, G. Caligo, G. Campobasso, F.R. Canevari, A. Cantaffa, A. Capone, S. Carboni, G. Castagna, C. Castellani, I. Clemente, A. Cordier, D. Cossu, M. Costanzo, A. Cugno Garrano, G. Cupido, M. Danteo, C. De Luca, M. Degli Innocenti, A. Dei, G. Denuli, L. Di Bartolo, A. Dolores, S. Falcetti, R. Falciglia, G. Fera, G. Ferraro, O. Fini, F. Giangregorio, F. Grazioli, C. Grillo, M.L. Guiso, F. Ianniello, M. Ierace, F. Ingria, I. La Mantia, G. La Pietra, C. Lambertoni, R. Lauletta, D. Lazzoni, S. Leo, M. Leone, V. Lo Iacono, M. Maio, F.G. Mangiatordi, F. Maniscalco, A. Matricciani, N. Mirra, S.C. Montanaro, P. Montesi, D. Moro, F. Muià, C. Murè, A. Nacci, T. Nipo, A. Pace, G.Panetti, M. Paoletti, G. Pasquarella, I. Pedrotti, A. Pellegrino, D. Petrone, P. Pinto, M.C. Pizzolante, L. Pollastrini, S. Poma, N. Quaranta, G. Reale, S. Rigo, A. Scarpa, F. Scelsi, L. Sellari, E.G. Serraino, G. Spanò, V. Stufano, G. Tomacelli, A. Tombolini and A. Zirone.4. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2018 Jan-Feb,;32(1 Suppl. 2):21-28.
22. Relieving laryngopharingeral reflux (RELIEF) survey in otolaryngology - the viewpoint of the otorhinolaryngologist.Gelardi M1, Silvestri M2, Ciprandi G3; The Relief Study Group: F. Aielli, P. Alessandrini, G. Allosso, S. Angelillo, A. Anni, G. Antoniacomi, S.E. Aragona, A. Armone Caruso, F. Asprea, R. Azzaro, G. Balata, C. Bellini, D. Benedetto, R. Bernardi, M. Buccolieri, G. Caligo, G. Campobasso, F.R. Canevari, A. Cantaffa, A. Capone, S. Carboni, G. Castagna, C. Castellani, I. Clemente, A. Cordier, D. Cossu, M. Costanzo, A. Cugno Garrano, G. Cupido, M. Danteo, C. De Luca, M. Degli Innocenti, A. Dei, G. Denuli, L. Di Bartolo, A. Dolores, S. Falcetti, R. Falciglia, G. Fera, G. Ferraro, O. Fini, F. Giangregorio, F. Grazioli, C. Grillo, M.L. Guiso, F. Ianniello, M. Ierace, F. Ingria, I. La Mantia, G. La Pietra, C. Lambertoni, R. Lauletta, D. Lazzoni, S. Leo, M. Leone, V. Lo Iacono, M. Maio, F.G. Mangiatordi, F. Maniscalco, A. Matricciani, N. Mirra, S.C. Montanaro, P. Montesi, D. Moro, F. Muià, C. Murè, A. Nacci, T. Nipo, A. Pace, G.Panetti, M. Paoletti, G. Pasquarella, I. Pedrotti, A. Pellegrino, D. Petrone, P. Pinto, M.C. Pizzolante, L. Pollastrini, S. Poma, N. Quaranta, G. Reale, S. Rigo, A. Scarpa, F. Scelsi, L. Sellari, E.G. Serraino, G. Spanò, V. Stufano, G. Tomacelli, A. Tombolini and A. Zirone.4. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2018 Jan-Feb,;32(1 Suppl. 2):9-19
23. ASPREA, Francesco et al. Endoscopic Septoplasty: An Alternative Technique to Traditional Septoplasty. International Annals of Medicine, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 12, oct. 2018. ISSN 2520-5110. Available at: <https://iamresearcher.online/ojs/index.php/iam/article/view/688>. Date accessed: 21 oct. 2018. doi: https://doi.org/10.24087/IAM.2018.2.12.688
24. ASPREA, Francesco et al. The Effectiveness of Hyaluronic Acid in The Recovery of The Voice After Phonosurgery. International Annals of Medicine, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 12, oct. 2018. ISSN 2520-5110. Available at: <https://iamresearcher.online/ojs/index.php/iam/article/view/697>. Date accessed: 29 oct. 2018. doi: https://doi.org/10.24087/IAM.2018.2.12.697.v
25. Asprea F. et al. – The vomeronasal organ of Jacobson and its application in nasal pathology and surgery . MedPulse International Journal of ENT. January 2019; 9(1): 01-06
26. Francesco Asprea , Gregorio Micali , Annunziata Maceri and Francesco Carfi - FALSE POSITIVE FOR PARAGLOTTICNEOPLASM IN AN IMMUNOCOMPROMISED PATIENT - International Journal of Current Multidisciplinary Studies Available Online at http://www.journalijcms.com Vol. 5, Issue,02(A), pp. 968-969,JANUARY,2019
27. Francesco Asprea1*, Massimiliano Amantea2, Chiaravalloti Fernando3, Gregorio Micali4, Annunziata Maceri5, Francesco Carfi6 Our experience of septoplasty with resorbable nasal dressing
28. Cupido GF., Gelardi, M, La Mantia I. , Aragona, SE, Asprea F et al. - Broser (bromelain, escin and selenium), oral nutraceutica, monotherapy in patients with inflammatory otorhinolaryngological disorders – Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents – JBRHA 33, n°2, march-april 2019
29. Francesco Asprea, Barbara Gaudio, Francesco Carfì, Gregorio Micali, Annunziata Maceri - THE USEFULNESS OF THE ENDOSCOPIC VISUALIZATION OF VOMERONASAL ORGAN BEFORE SEPTOPLASTY - International Journal of Current Research Vol. 11, Issue, 03, pp.2611-2612, March, 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.24941/ijcr.34955.03.2019
30. Cupido GF, Gelardi M, Aragona Se, Ciprandi G, and Italian Study gropp of inflammatory otorhinolaryngological disorders (Asprea F.) - BROSER (Bromelain, Escin and Selenium), oral nutraceutical, monotherapy in patients with inflammatory othorhinolayngological disorders - Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents
31. G.F.Cupido, M.Gelardi,I. La Mamtia S.A. Aragona, C. Vicini, G. ciprandi and Italian Study Group on Infiammatory otorhinolaryngological disorders (F. Asprea) Broncalt , class II Medical device, in patients with cronic relapsed upper airways disease: a survey in clinial practice – Acta biomed. 2019,vol90, supplemento 7: 36-40
32. G.F.Cupido, M.Gelardi,I. La Mamtia S.A. Aragona, C. Vicini, G. ciprandi and Italian Study Group on Infiammatory otorhinolaryngological disorders (F. Asprea) Broncalt , class II Medical device, in patients with cronic upper airways disease: a survey in clinial practice – Acta biomed. 2019,vol90, supplemento 7: 30-35
33. G.F.Cupido, M.Gelardi,I. La Mamtia S.A. Aragona, C. Vicini, G. ciprandi and Italian Study Group on Infiammatory otorhinolaryngological disorders (F. Asprea) Broncalt , class II Medical device, in patients with cronic acute upper airways disease: a survey in clinial practice – Acta biomed. 2019,vol90, supplemento 7: 24-29
34. Francesco Asprea1*, Francesco Carfì2, Gregorio Micali3, Giulia Lucchesi4 Nasal endoscopic surgery: not only FESS: Twenty years of experience - MedPulse International Journal of ENT, Print ISSN: 2579-0854, Online ISSN: 2636-4727 Volume 12, Issue 1, October 2019
35. Francesco Asprea1*, Francesco Carfì2, Gregorio Micali3, Giulia Lucchesi4 - Giant polypoid formation arising from the maxillary sinus and massively involving nasopharynx and oropharynx: case report - International Journal of Healthcare Sciences ISSN 2348-5728 (Online) Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp: (46-48), Month: October 2019 - March 2020, Available at: www.researchpublish.com
36. G M Lucchesi1, G Micali2, F Carfì3, F Asprea4* Chondroid syringoma - Presentation of a case
37. Francesco Asprea1, Giulia Lucchesi2, Gregorio Micali3, Francesco Carfì - Diodi-L.A.S.E.R. assisted tonsillar reduction our experience - International Journal of Healthcare Sciences ISSN 2348-5728 (Online) Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp: (102-104), Month: October 2019 - March 2020, Available at: www.researchpublish.com