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MedPulse - International Medical Journal, ISSN 2348-2516 E-ISSN: 2348-1897

Volume 1, Issue 6, June 2014 pp 272-276

Research Article

A study of estimation and correlations of stature from finger lengths

Nilofer G. Mulla1, Prasad G. Kulkarni2, S. D. Gangane3

{1Resident, 2Asssociate Professor, 3Ex-Professor and HOD} Department of Anatomy, Grant Medical College, Mumbai 400 008, Maharashtra, INDIA.

Introduction: Stature is one of the important and useful anthropometric parameters. It is the quantitative measure of physique and indicative of physical growth and development of an individual. Estimation of stature of an individual from incomplete skeletal and decomposing human remains has obvious significance in the personal identification. Aims and Objectives: Estimation of stature from finger length and to study their correlation. Material and methods: The present study was conducted in students of Maharashtra. Total 200 students were selected for the study (100 male and 100 female). Stature and finger lengths of both the hands were measured using standard measuring instruments. The data was analyzed and compared in both the groups. Results: The mean stature was 163.02 ± 8.42cm in males and 162.80 ± 8.01cm in females. Stature and finger length in males and female had a significant positive correlation. In males the correlation between stature and finger lengths was highest in left index finger with r=0.741 and p=0.0001 and lowest in right index finger with r=0.602 and p=0.0001. In females the correlation between stature and finger lengths was highest in left index finger with r=0.724 and p=0.0001 and lowest in right little finger with r=0.631 and p=0.0001. Conclusion: Using the regression equations for length of fingers stature can be estimated by substituting the value of other parameter in the equation.

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