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MedPulse - International Medical Journal, ISSN 2348-2516 E-ISSN: 2348-1897

Volume 1, Issue 6, June 2014 pp 330-323

Research Article

Study of various factors associated with perimenopausal bleeding

Sanjay B. Bansode1, Gajanansing Patil2

1Assistant Professor, 2Resident, Department of OBGY, SRTR Government Medical College, Ambajogai, Beed, Maharashtra, INDIA.

Introduction: Perimenopause is the time when body is preparing itself to go into menopause stage. The important change during perimenopause occurs in the pattern of menstrual cycle. In perimenopausal women, abnormal uterine bleeding includes any change in menstrual period frequency or duration or amount of flow as well as bleeding between cycles. Aims and objectives: to study the various factors associated with perimenopausal bleeding. Materials and method: Women attending gynecology department with perimenopausal bleeding were enrolled in the study. Detail history, clinical finding were recorded. Histopathological examination was done in surgically treated cases. Results: The mean age in present study was 43.19±2.57 years. 73.75% cases were in the socioeconomic class IV. Most of the cases 73 i.e. 91.25% were multipara. Majority of the cases (60%) presented with menorrhagia. Maximum 66 i.e. 82.5% cases had dysfunctional uterine bleeding followed by fibroid. On histopathological examination proliferative endometrium was the most common finding in 41.66% cases followed by secretary endometrium in 20.83% cases. Conclusion: Perimenopausal bleeding is common in multiparous and lower socioeconomic class women. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is the most common cause of perimenopausal bleeding which present with menorrhagia and proliferative endometrium on histopathological examination.

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