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Table of Content Volume 8 Issue 3 - December 2018


Unilateral left pulmonary agenesis with the presence of bilateral accessory lobes of lung


Bhingardeo A V1*, Bhoir M2


1Registrar, 2Professor and HOD, Department of Anatomy, HBTMC and Dr R N Cooper hospital, Mumbai Maharashtra INDIA.

Email: dr.alkabhingardeo@gmail.com


Abstract               Lobar agenesis is uncommon anomaly of lung. It presents with varied clinical manifestations. The manifestation of agenesis depends on what stage of development the growth of lung is arrested. It can be bilateral complete, unilateral or lobar type. In present case, in routine cadaveric dissection we found unilateral lobar agenesis on one side (left) and marked hyperplasia of lung on the opposite side (right). The mediastinal space was extremely narrow and not seen before the removal of lung. Heart was not present in the middle mediastinum. It was more to left side and was lodged on the concavity formed by the anterior surface of the left lung. Left lung had no fissure and overlying parietal pleura was inseparable. Right lung had only one fissure which divided the lung into two lobes. We also found presence of accessory lobes of lung on both side. There were two accessory lobes (one above and one below bronchus) on left side and one accessory lobe on right side.

Key Word: lobar agenesis, lung hypoplasia, accessory lobes