Medpulse Publishing Corporation situated in Nigeria and in India is a well known publisher of Journals in the field of Medical Sciences. It is a well reputed Publisher that supports many popular open access Journals and all aspects of the scientific journal publishing through its well developed peer review system and Open Access Management System.
We have well developed reviewer team and well advanced manuscript management system which helps editor, Author and Reviewer to handle the complete process of manuscript management like Editing, Handling of articles, reviewer management and their publication. We have a priviledge to publish 22 Medical Specialty Journals in the field of All Branches of Medicine & Surgery.
We believe it quality work for the readers. We use many plagiarism detection software for the error free research works for publish.
We work with many associations, Departments for their requirement to fulfill.
We have a Experianced persons along with young team who manages all the essential requirements for a journals to stand in an International Level.
Ownership of all Journals are from Nigeria Head office while the Branch office in India handles all technical, editorial and publshing aspects.
We work with complete transparency and promt evaluation of your proposal.
Come and Join us.

Dr Olusola Sokefun, Ph.D
Owner, Medpulse Publication Corporation
Presently Working as Geneticist | Bioinformatician | Consultant, Sustainable Development, Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology, Faculty of Science, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel:+2348054468844| +2348027155888 E/fax:+1 610 471 4830 Skype: osokefun68
For Medpulse Publishing Corporation, Nigeria..He is Owner of Corporation, Invented all Medical Journals from January 2017, Looking Administration, ISSN of all Medical Journals of Medpulse Publishing Corporation.
Office Address(NIGERIA): MedPulse Publishing Corporation, 9, Makonkuola Street, Ijesatedo, Lagos, NIGERIA Mobile: +2348054468844

Dr Atul Viraj Wadagale, M.Sc. PhD
For Medpulse Publishing Corporation, INDIA He is Co-owner and Managing editor for all Medical Journals. Also, He is Head for Indexing of all Medpulse Medical Journals, Receiving Research Articles from Authors and forward them to Editors of Respective Journals for Reviewing Process.
Managing all workflow of Accepted articles from Editor with the help of Technical Team. Distributing work on Accepted articles to Technical team for Formation, Grammatical mistakes, Plagiarism, Citation. Admiration of day to day work of received articles like ethical clearance, clear ethics, copyright, and authorship policies.

Mr Victor Wilson, M.Com.
Working from October 2017
Post: Customer Service Manager
Description: Marking of Journal by e-mailing, calling & convey to Medical Professionals in details about Medpulse Medical Journals.

Mr Mukund IshwarPrasad Sharma, M.Sc. Computer Science
Post: Website Design & Social Media Manager
Working from January 2017
Description: Maintaining content for the web version of the all publication in HTML & PDF. Adapting print content for the Internet and manages the various social media platforms a publication. Curate content and graphics that help promote the publication and its contents.

Mr Kailas Jadhav, M.A. (ENGLISH)
Post:English Language Expert
Working from January 2017
Description: Dealing Problems with English usage like grammer, diction and typos in articles that make the article content easy to read and understand. Also, writing all english content of the Journal and website.

Mrs. Seema L Karde, B.A. English
Post: Copy Editor
Working from January 2017
Description: Working on eliminate repetition of information, redrawing the tables and figures if need be so that the message is conveyed effectively. Also assisting to English Language expert.

Mrs. Sneha Tushar Bhagwat, B.Sc. Computer Science
Post: Copy Editor
Working from October 2018
Description: Working on eliminate repetition of information, redrawing the tables and figures if need be so that the message is conveyed effectively. Also Assisting in checking of Plagiarism of Article.

Mr Kapil Raosaheb Navgire, M.Sc.
Post: Finance Manager
Working from January 2017
Description: Looking for all financial aspects of Journal including Business model for Journal, funding for Journal, subscription of Journal, reprint of Journal, refund policy of Journal, taxation. Also looking for Payment of Staff.

Mr Kumar Gunwant Bhosale. B.C.A.
Post: Printing Manager
Working from January 2017
Description: Working on Print version of Authors Articles of a Volume with Distribution of Journals hard copies through post to authors Corresponding Address.

Mr Ashankit Daware, B.C.S
Post: Assistant Printing Manager
Working from October 2018
Description: Working as Assistant to Print version of Authors Articles of a Volume with Distribution of Journals hard copies through post to authors Corresponding Address.
Publisher office NIGERIA: Dr Olusola Sokefun, MedPulse Publishing Corporation, 9, Makonkuola Street, Ijesatedo, Lagos, NIGERIA. Mobile: +2348054468844
Publisher office INDIA: Dr. Atul Viraj Wadagale, MedPulse Publishing Corporation, First floor, City Marvel Building, Near S.B. bus stop, Nirala Bazaar, Aurangpura. Aurangabad, Maharashtra, INDIA – 431001
Mobile: +919860840210
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