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Table of Content-Volume 1, Issue 4 - April 2014

Laparoscopic port site metastasis 1 year after chemotherapy in a patient with ovarian cancer – a case report

Shruthi Shivdas, U. D. Bafna, Uma Devi K., Pallavi V. R., Mariam Anjum Ifthikar

Subject: Gynaecologic Oncology andGynaecologic Oncology, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


A study to determine the effects of monosodium glutamate on insulin secretion and glucose tolerance in healthy volunteers of south Indian population

Praveen Kumar G. S., Carlos Noel Menezes, Meghalatha T. S.

Subject: Biochemistry, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


Effect of APH on mode of delivery

Kalavati Girdharilal Jaju, A P Kulkarni, Shivprasad Kachrulal Mundada

Subject: OBGY and Paediatrics, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


Effect of Pranayama on cardiopulmonary functions and serum MDA levels

Ingole A., Bahattare V., Shinde P., Zingade U.S.

Subject: Physiology and PSM, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


Study of changes in clinical profile of diatric HIV patients after institution of HAART

Shakira Vijay Savakar1, Shivprasad Kachrulal Mundada2*, Asadkhan Sahebkhan Pathan3, Akshay Vinaykumar Deshpande

Subject: Paediatrics, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


Study of demographic profile of psychiatric patients of rural Maharashtra

Pradeep Bodke, Rama Bhosle

Subject: Psychiatry and Pharmacology, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


Pattern of head injuries in fatal RTA’s in tertiary care hospital, Assam

Y. N. Singha, Gunajit Das, Swaraj Phukon

Subject: Forensic Medicine, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


Changing trends for lower limb amputations in developing world

Hedawoo J B, Mehsare P S, Shahane S, Jadhav S

Subject: General Surgery, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


A dozen human pieces – case report on a gruesome murder

Y. N. Singha, Gunajit Das, Swaraj Phukon

Subject: Forensic Medicine, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


Audit of congenital anomalies in neonates born at tertiary health care centre – a cross sectional study

Shivprasad Kachrulal Mundada, Shakira Vijay Savaskar, Kiran Bhojraj Bhaisare, Rahul K. Nagne

Subject: Paediatric, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


Prescription pattern in OPD of a tertiary care hospital in a rural area of Jalna Dist, Maharashtra, INDIA

Imran Nawaz Khan et al.

Subject: Pharmacology, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


Clinical profile of Vernal kerato-conjunctivitis patients at tertiary care hospital in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, India

Awargaonkar A V, Wangikar V D, Nandedkar V, Khaire B S

Subject: Ophthalmology, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


Changes in neck structure due to compression of neck in medicolegal autopsy – A retrospective study

Gunajit Das, Y. N. Singha, Nayan Mani Choudhury

Subject: Forensic Medicine, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


Wilson’s disease: a rare presentation

Kapil S. More, Deepak Kubde, Lalit Chandwani, Prachi Deshmukh

Subject: Medicine, Medical Sciences

[Abstract] [PDF] [HTML] [Linked References]


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